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Saturday, 31 January 2015

Playing In the Snow !

Winter 2015 030More heavy overnight snow… what could it all mean ?? Winter 2015 032Have fun, take it easy, and enjoy , so that’s what I did ! ,and with poor old ‘Wally’ deep in the snow, I wasn’t driving anywhere… even the snowplough conspired against me, Winter 2015 136as a 3’ pile of snow was left along the end of the driveway ! Summer seemed a long way away for my morning coffee set !

I just keep looking, watching and enjoying..being tempted to do lots of little meandering trips, to see what could be seen, especially in the early evening…Winter 2015 041 as the sun was going down, and the valley stretched out behind me…Winter 2015 050in fact it gave me a little idea… what could be real fun ?Winter 2015 064 The signs were there, there was only one thing for it…go home, have a warm night,Winter 2015 082 and see what tomorrow brings…!!, it should be fun…

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Snow Use Going Anywhere !

Relaxing for the week at home,I realised you don’t need to go far,Winter 2015 098 to have fun in the snow….as the heavens opened, and poured down snow upon snow, Winter 2015 107very heavy, and transforming my little ‘patch’ into a Winter wonderland.. the day had started with a little snow already on the ground, Winter 2015 111and then …whoomph ! a blizzard moved in and covered everywhere in glorious fresh new snow… the local kids loved it, as the village school closed, Winter 2015 035and they were all off, to enjoy it !

I let it all settle for a time, before donning my winter gear, Winter 2015 045and then out into the wonderland myself – it would be churlish not to ! After a brief snowball fight with the children next door, I was off through the busy village – not busy with traffic though, busy with people, great !Winter 2015 135 I soon climbed up and out, to take in the views down below, the snow transformation was a sight to behold !, you could hardly recognise anywhere …Winter 2015 072beauty was all around.. I wandered over the hills for a while, however the freezing mist descended,Winter 2015 147 and so I returned through the village, and over to the other side, to see a similar transformation.. Winter 2015 155I was busy in overtime, taking pictures with phone and camera, Winter 2015 078even managing to capture myself ! amazedWinter 2015 163 at the changed looks of everywhere..Winter 2015 168we all want to be a photographer in weather like this !Winter 2015 088 So I’ll just leave you all with a little sample of where I call home …Enjoy !

Friday, 23 January 2015

Murky,Misty…Time to Go !

I Phone 153With perfect timing the poor weather moved in, warming up, and drizzling rain… time to go home !!

I packed,paid and was on my way home by 10 a.m., up and over the Kirkstone Pass again towards the motorway…

a really satisfying week of walking,climbing,eating….and doing – Highly recommended !

As I travelled home, I received the great news that my baby sister had become engaged to marry her beloved in August … wonderful news… Congratulations ‘Our Kid’ !!

So now home again, wondering when the next little trip will come along… who knows ?

Hope you’ve enjoyed the ‘Lakes’ as much as I have ?

Thursday, 22 January 2015

A Real Mountaineers Day…!

Winter 2015 162A beautiful clear sunrise, with hopefully a hard frost on the ground.. convinced me I’d made the right decision… an attempt on ‘Y’ gully, which I believed led directly to the summit of Catstye Cam, this film clip gives a little idea of what I was to expect

Winter 2015 164I headed off just after 9 a.m. from the Hotel, with clear skies above me, and distant views of Helvellyn and Striding edge, looking to be in beautiful ‘Alpine conditions’ ! Today I was to walk into Glenridding, them climb up and out of the valley, Winter 2015 165passing the Youth Hostel, and old Greensides mine, Winter 2015 167where I started to get my first glimpses of the North face of Catstye Cam, and some clues as to the gully I was looking for… I wondered whether it was the right ‘Y’ ? Winter 2015 170Two younger climbers passed me, also wondering which was the right gully, as they intended climbing it also, although no one else was to be seen !,I Phone 131 and there was lots of loose snow plastered everywhere ! I followed the others tracks, and eventually ended up at what we all decided must be the gully, and all got our gear on…Twin climbing axes,crampons,helmet,sunglasses,gloves… and I was ready to go …I Phone 136 I would have to go up and over the first rock buttress, drop into the gully, and hopefully follow it all the way up… not quite to be ! – I followed the others steps, for a short time, as they then traversed over another buttress to the right, Winter 2015 173as I continued to solo straight up the gully, crossing from side to side as I did, trying to get the best ground/ice/snow… too much snow, and I may slip down along with it… Ooops ! You can just make out the gully stretching down to the valley floor beneath me …Winter 2015 174 although I did occasionally have time for some pictures…  I was going great guns, banging the axes in, and forcing my way up towards the summit, which tantalisingly didn’t seem to be getting any nearer, and after 90 minutes I was getting a little concerned… would I make it after all…or collapse in a heap, too tired to go on ? A bit more pushing and pulling had the summit cone suddenly nearing, and I could start to see the sunshine all around, as I topped out right at the summit, with a great roar and cheer for myself !!Winter 2015 181 as I thrust my axes into the air, as if I’d summited Everest ! As I looked down from the top, I could see and hear a helicopter landing on a nearby Bealach, turned out they were rescuing a fallen climber, from further along the range  to me… 

Winter 2015 183Winter 2015 184Views from the top were fantastic, blue skies, no wind… I was on top of the world ( seemingly ) as I looked down into the gully area I’d climbed, with the hills profile silhouettedWinter 2015 191 on the valley beneath me ! I just stood there, for what seemed like hours, looking round, taking in the views… fantastic with views up and along Swirrel Edge to the summit of Helvellyn…I Phone 144 Oh, did I mention… I’m climbing them all again, way to go Jotown !!I Phone 146 Another look down into the Gully and I was ready to move along, and get the rest of the days climbing done !

If you look closely, you’ll see my axes in the landscape…I Phone 149Now it was time to head over Swirral up to the summit, and hopefully more great views…Winter 2015 192not to be though, as I traversed the ridge, the icy mist swirled over Swirral ! Winter 2015 195and I was covered in it’s icy grip ! the sun being swallowed up, not to be seen again today…I was still a Happy Mountaineer though, as I posed at the trig point on the top, and then flashed across the plateau, just managing to find the exit onto Striding Edge and homeward bound …as I danced along nothing daunting me as I banged my axes into any tricky bits that tried to stop me, soon I was at the end of Striding Edge…and time to revert to normal, packing my gear away… and smiling ! Winter 2015 200All I needed to do now was get back to the Hotel, hot bath… and celebrate which I did, along with the entertaining singer in the bar that night !!

I’m just getting used to this ..

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

A Day of Rest…

I’d had two hard days climbing, so treated myself to a ‘day off’… although I was still up at 7 a.m., and breakfasted as usual at 8a.m.

It was a more overcast, Winter 2015 123although still dry day, and I had decided to catch the boat from Glenridding, along Lake Ullswater to Howtown about 8 miles away… and walk back… nice day of rest !

I wandered along to catch the 9-45 a.m. boat, along the lake and was soon Winter 2015 124stood on the bow of the boat, as it cut through the icy wind up the Lake… I didn’t stop too long though, and sheltered in the cabin, as I looked at the views of both shores of the lake… Winter 2015 129within about 30 minutes we arrived at Howtown , where I got off to start my amble back along the shoreline path to Glenridding… a nice peaceful side of the lake, my fellow walkers soon disappearing out of sight as I stopped and let them all ( 5 of them !) go.

Winter 2015 145The path wound its way along the shore, up and down over several rocky bluffs and coves, on a nice still day, with distant views across the lake towards the hills , lined with trees packed with berries…I Phone 112

I kept meandering along, taking in the views, stopping eating and relaxing…all too soon though,Winter 2015 151 I’d got back to the top of the lake,passing the Hotel in the distance, as I made my way back to Glenridding, to survey my route for the next day ! and get a nice cake from one of the cafe’s there ..

Winter 2015 156I’d been out past 3 o’clock, as I wandered back to Patterdale , calling in at St Patrick’s Church site of where St Patrick had baptised people years ago, who’d have thought of the connection , of our patron Saint of Ireland ? – Patterdale meaning St Patrick’s Dale !

Then it was back to the Hotel, for a nice evening relaxing, and researching tomorrows routes !

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Going Backwards..!!

A slightly overcast morning, and as I pondered over breakfast ( only 3 courses !!), I decided I’d go back up Helvellyn, hoping for some better views… but,  I’d climb it backwards – meaning the other way round to what I’ve normally done !

Lots of people had been ascending via Swirral Edge , and not having gone this way, thought I’d check out what it was like to ascend,rather than descend this way – I was not to be disappointed ..

Winter 2015 065I set off, up along the track I’d found through the woods at the back of the Hotel, into Grisedale , and was soon heading up the icy track towards the ‘hole in the wall’  however as I got to it, I just dropped over the wall,

I Phone 089Winter 2015 083to see the vista of Helvellyn laid out before me, things were looking up, at least I may be able to see something from the top !

I walked across the valley floor above Red Tarn, and traversed up Winter 2015 089and across the flanks beneath Swirral edge, donned my crampons and continued up to the rocky ascent, looking up at the bulk of Helvellyn above me, with the sun still trying to break through !Winter 2015 093 It was a fun ascent, quite different to descending, with one or two trick rock spires to clamber up ,around or over ! – no wonder so many fall off the edge here !Winter 2015 094 

I was soon on the summit plateau, with reasonable views around me… and not many people around …Winter 2015 100 with views down on my descent route – Striding Edge As I got to the summit, the wind had picked up, so I didn’t hang around

Winter 2015 102 and the ‘accommodation didn’t look too inviting ! Winter 2015 104even though it was fairly scenic …

As I wandered down to the start of Striding Edge, it stretched out before me, a great view…Winter 2015 107although the spindrift was splattering me in the face, an icicle facial !

I tripped across the rock spires, really enjoying myself, even taking the time to have a chat with a chap from Patterdale MRT, who gave me some recommendations for climbing later ij the week ! Surprised at how different it was …going backwards !!

All too soon, I’d cross the ridge, and was through the hole in the wall, and flashing down to the Hotel !

At least I didn’t fall down the fellside today … and got back to the Hotel 15 minutes quicker than yesterday !Winter 2015 113

Another great meal at the Hotel tonight, followed by a quiz in the bar… I surprised myself – I even knew lots of the answers !!