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Friday, 20 February 2015

Not Such a Bore…!!

Winter 2015 001A quick visit down to Buckinghamshire for the twins first Birthday ( yes, time has flown !!) saw me heading down through the Midlands, and stopping en route in the Cotswolds.. at Coaley Peak 2015 002 looking down over the River Severn, and the Cotswolds.. so although I’d passed through the area many times, I hadn’t actually sopped there..until now !

I was fortunate as when I got there, I heard that the next morning would be an opportunity to see the ‘Severn Bore’, so setting my alarm for 6 30 a.m. I settled down for the night, and after a chilly sunrise,Winter 2015 009 was ready at the side of the River Severn, along with lots of other people, just after 8 a.m. to await the first ‘5 star Bore’ of 2015…Winter 2015 012slowly but surely the waters seemed to stir around the River bend in the distance,and then the roar of water, as it came crashing up the River, from the distant sea ….sweeping up the bank as it passedWinter 2015 014 – some, although not many people were out on the river surfing the wave, or riding it in canoes – very chilly !  The wave was soon passed, everyone went, Winter 2015 018and I was left to wander along the bank watching the water levels rise , quite significantly, at times flooding out onto a nearby side road, and certainly swamping the river defences !

Winter 2015 026I meandered along for a time, as the River covered my tracks, creating instant pictures as I looked and watched the debris being carried up…and later back down the river !

Winter 2015 028Having wandered around the area for the morning, and had lunch, it was time to get going, and travel across to Marlowe, for the main weekend event !

A slightly chaotic weekend ensued, with lots of fun…sickly vomiting children…balloons…cake …and Grandad Jotown looking after his little ones…Winter 2015 029so no photos yet …I may get some, which I’ll add, otherwise it’s just to wish Jacob and William ‘ Happy Birthday ‘….1 Year old !

I stayed until Sunday, then battled back, through the snow of Derbyshire, to get home… before more icy/snowy roads stopped me … a quite different weekend !I Phone 082

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Fun…in the Sun !!

Winter 2015 064Another couple of days at home, doing what needed to be done, until the temptation was too great – the snow was still on the ground, there were prospects of a sunny day, so what could I do ? – give in , obviously and head up to the hills to see what was going on…although up early to se the sunrise,Winter 2015 071 I took my time getting ready, and wandered up into the hills mid morning, even so, frightening the ‘local sheep’ !! who eventually found a gap in the world to disappear through ..! I’d got to the base of Williams Clough, my normal ascent route, however today,Winter 2015 073 I’d decided to go and have a ‘mooch’ at Kinder downfall, which I knew to be frozen, although whether it was in great ‘climbing’ shape, I was to find out ? As I meandered up and along the river that flows from the downfall,it was very pleasant, deep powder snow, and dripping water frozen along the banking, and me jumping back and forth, as I tried to keep my feet dry –although the nice sunshine would have dried me out !

Winter 2015 036Up and up I danced, as I neared the frozen downfall, and impressive from the distance..Winter 2015 081(even more so from underneath !) even managing a look behind me occasionally, viewing the Alpine looks of home..

Winter 2015 086I eventually found myself beneath the mighty frozen Kinder Downfall, Winter 2015 090and looking up at all the icicles ‘flowing’Winter 2015 093 down… I looked up at the enticing ice sculpture…really  ‘tempted’… good job I’d not brought my axes with me, I’d have ended up in trouble !Winter 2015 045

I arrived just after some climbers, Winter 2015 098and happily sat under the overhanging rocks ( so making sure that softening ice crashing down, didn’t land on my head !) and watched whilst they climbed up the ice away from me..and I ate my sandwiches and a nice hot drink .

Winter 2015 050Winter 2015 139I followed all the moves up the thin hard ice, all the time wishing I was there, until eventually … success !, whilst on the main fall, Winter 2015 140some other climbers had started, but soon found the ice to be crashing down all around them, and were beaten back…

great views and excitement all round, although having sat in the afternoon sunshine, listening to the crash and ‘thump’ of ice falling, it was time to go – I’d been there for over two hours !Winter 2015 155 A last survey of the scene, stamp my frozen feet, and back down the gulley, ready to head back up onto the plateau, to hopefully catch the sunset…

I soon warmed up, and I had to make my own trail up through the deep snow, traversing the hillside, up,up and up to the top, which was a lot harder than I expected ( but did warm me up !) Winter 2015 169As I broke out onto the plateau, I was greeted with another Alpine sight, Winter 2015 059and I soon wandered around to the top of the frozen downfall, ready to catch the sunset, from my favoured spot – you can go anywhere in the World, but sunset …(especially in the snow )

Winter 2015 182from Kinder downfall has always been special to me …( I even slept here once..) What more do you need ?Winter 2015 062

I kept traversing the plateau, watching the ever changing sky and scenery, Winter 2015 198with a fierce wind blowing in my face, as the warming sun had disappeared .. and I soon had frozen cheeks ! What great fun I thought as I slipped and slid down the rocks off Kinderlow End, my only slight miscalculation being the Full moon was hidden behind the clouds  and no head torch with me… Ooops ! I did make it down safely though, and clunked my way home for a satisfying bath – what a great day, real ‘fun in the sun’ !!!

Winter 2015 190

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Lazy Sunday Afternoons…!

It had been a busy Sunday, I hadn’t even managed to read the ‘Sunday papers’… but the heavy snow was still lying all around me, the hills were plastered in the white fun stuff, the sun was shiningWinter 2015 091… and a clear sky forecast for the evening… what to do ? –the sensible option… ? yes, get ready, and climb up on to Kinder to watch the sunset , should be spectacular !, and that’s what I did, meeting lots of people on the way down, as I headed upwards after 3 pm., and getting quizzical looks from them, as if I’d lost my marbles …!! Winter 2015 141 The snow was really deep as I climbed up through Tunstead, towards Kinderlow End,Winter 2015 142 and glances backwards confirmed the prospect of a clear sky for sundown… I looked over towards Kinder downfall, with hardly a soul in sight…I was ready to enjoy myself …as I looked all around me,Winter 2015 148 I was taken back to my days on the Camino, as my shadow was really strong beneath me, stretching out across the hill

I’d better get a move on though, as stopping so much was holding me back,Winter 2015 151 and I might not get there in time,Winter 2015 099 although it looked like the sky was developing just as I anticipated.. as I got to the top of Kinderlow End, Winter 2015 106I was able to see the moon already out in front of me, whilst the sun was going down behind my back,Winter 2015 109 can you spot them both ? Just as the sun was going down, some cloud came across the horizon, and spoiled it, Winter 2015 161although it was still worth it to be up there, wind in my face, snow beneath my feet, and the glory of the world spread out around me ! Winter 2015 111As it then got darker, and I got colder, I thought I may as well go for a wander,Winter 2015 167 under the almost full moon, and the stars already twinkling in the sky above me..up past the trig point on the top of Kinderlow, and then across the plateau,Winter 2015 176 towards the distant downfall, with views over Greater Manchester and Cheshire stretched out before me..Winter 2015 177 and the moon casting it’s eerie glow all around with the ghostly shape of an arrow,Winter 2015 181formed by the distant reservoir, encouraging me onwards, or as we said in Spain ‘Ultreia’ !!

All too soon I’d crossed the plateau, and came upon Kinder downfall, although I couldn’t see much, Winter 2015 190as the dark chasm dropped beneath me, and no real view of it – I could hear the river still gushing over the top, so I knew it hadn’t frozen completely…I did find a picture of what it looked like the next morning here… what great views, and what adventure… although in reality, not yet climbable.. I decided to head for home then, Winter 2015 202by retracing my steps across the plateau, and down the icy, rocky and treacherous Kinderlow End.. Winter 2015 209mainly done glissading down the chute ! The stars were out all around, and the nice floodlight of the moon to guide me on my way… down, back into the silent village and home… Now, wasn’t that better than reading the papers !!??- Always !Winter 2015 218