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Monday, 4 July 2016

Monday 4th July - Almost at the End

A leisurely start from the peaceful convent at La Storta,

as me and Frida set off to travel along the busy Via Cassia and Via Trionfale, which will take us to our destination - St Peters Square, Vatican City, Rome.... The place I've spent the last three months walking towards!! 

I walked along in the footsteps of Giants...

Keeping me in the right direction!! 
We stopped at a bar around 9 am, for our last travelling coffee... And continued battling our way into the centre of Rome... Frequently the roads having no footpath... But the Reputedly reckless Italian drivers were very good with two weary pilgrims!! 

By about 1030 our goal was in sight below us,

and spurred us on, speeding our steps... 
Shortly after 11 am, we went through the huge queues of tourists, and into... St Peters Square!! 
Not quite the finish... But almost!! 


I'm not sure what I felt (and still don't!!) all these people around, no one really knowing what we were celebrating... Apart from Simon, who I'd walked with many weeks ago, still in Rome and there to greet me; wonderful, thanks!! 

We dumped our rucksacks in the pilgrim centre, dressed in trousers (covered up) and then were granted access inside the Vatican secretariat (my best Italian convincing all the guards it was OK!) to receive our Testimonium (pilgrimage certificate) from a diplomat there!

Then it was back to change, make our way to the Spediale pilgrim hostel... And grab a bed and food on the way!! 

So almost at an end for all of us - I'll go through the Holy Door tomorrow, for everyone... Join me!! 


  1. Awesome, Joe, you've made it !! We'll be with you in prayer tomorrow at 10am Mass. Many thanks for the blessings you will surely obtain for us all.

  2. Enjoy Dad, love Anna & The Brood xx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. COngraluations from Patricia & Nigel.


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