A bit of a lie in today, after a late night at the Pantomime,
and finding the nearest Church, St Augustine's http://st-augustines-church.org.uk/ for 11 o’clock mass. A nice church, full to capacity, with seemingly every nation on the Earth represented !
Then back to Kate’s for a leisurely breakfast, and reading the papers before going out for an early evening meal before the big show – to watch ‘The Iron Lady’, which I had been in as an extra last year in Manchester http://www.theironladymovie.co.uk/blog/
But, firstly the ‘pre show dinner’ at Wagamama in the town centre http://www.wagamama.com/locations/showlocation/581 for a great noodle and spicy food meal, washed down with a lemon and ginger drink – great, and good value
Then off to the Cinema complex across the road, and as my niece Rebecca had appeared with the Muppets the day before in London http://blog.gosh.org/our-hospital/the-muppets-visit-great-ormond-street-hospital/ I couldn’t resist the opportunity to appear with them also !
After filling up with my pick and mix, and ice cream, in we went to try and spot me in the film…oh, what a disappointment ! – I couldn’t be seen anywhere, I knew where I’d been, but I must have ended up on the ‘cutting room floor’, although I think I saw my feet and back !
Ah well, it was a great film, and I could still say I’d been in a Hollywood Oscar nominated film !!- could even be a winner !
Thats showbusiness Uncle Joe! x