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Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The Pattern is Set..


So, after my late night, or should I say early morning..I got into a routine that was to be the pattern for my week here at the Davvi Lodge..

I slept in until lunchtime, then joined the other diners for lunch, or in my case, Breakfast ! Seemed funny to be having soup to start the day!

Northern Lights 206Then after lunch I tramped down the hill, across the frozen River, which was the boundary between Finland and Sweden (pic taken a few days later…as I’d forgotten my camera !)Northern Lights 207and into Karesuando , with all it’s differing names, and called in to the local church, in all it’s snowy splendour

Then a very welcome cup of chocolate at the local tourist information (and Wi-Fi access)before heading back across the river to the Davvi Lodge. As I got back to the lodge, the clear evening sky was looking good prospects for later..Northern Lights 084

So, I had dinner, watched a film, and then around 9  p.m. I togged up with all my late night cold gear, and ventured out…to find it snowing !, and had ben for some hours, Oh Dear, Northern Lights 104the prospects of seeing anything tonight looked bleak, but I carried on, collecting a sledge and up the nearby hill.. to stand there freezing, getting snowed on..and seeing nothing – apart from snow falling ..eventually giving up just before midnight…and sledging back to the Davvi Lodge, and a hot bed !

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