A beautiful sunrise over the Kielder Forest was my start to the day, although I was lying in bed looking at it !, and eventually did rise into the lovely early morning sunshine, and breakfasted amongst the trees, before ‘christening’ my portaloo which I’ve had ever since I got Wally, but never used before ! (and may not again !)
Then I was ready for an early mornings ride The Deadwater trail http://www.visitkielder.com/xsdbimgs/Deadwater%20trails.pdf which I’d not done before, having done all the other routes here, climbing up through the still damp forest, negotiating some tricky uphill sections, I was soon up at the top, and looking down to the forest below me, ready to hurtle down the trails..which I quickly did !
The boardwalk sections within the forest were so slippy, I couldn’t even stand on them without falling over, so to preserve my body…I didn’t ! and got to the bottom relatively unscathed, and not too dirty and back to Wally for a cup of tea, quick change,and drive back to Newcastleton to ride the route I’d not done the day before…
The sun was still shining on Newcastleton as I made lunch before setting off onto the route http://7stanesmountainbiking.com/Newcastleton/Red-Route with the trails all to myself, the only person I saw being a forestry worker loading logs.. the route itself climbed up through the forest, on some nice twisty paths and trails cut through it, and quite enjoyable, with the occasional drop in between, but I soon got the hang of the best way to ride it.. and then I got to the Border Stane ,with the words of Jerusalem carved into it, on one side, and presumably the Gaelic translation on the other side !
Then it was time to charge down the trails and hills,splattering through the muddy puddles, and jumping over the rocks placed across the trail, good fun, but all too soon over and done with !… and decisions to make , where to go, and what to do…
I decided I couldn’t do another days riding, and so to carry on up to Elgin, to see everyone up there…
As I drove along the usual Northern Scottish rain arrived ,along with the evening sunshine, causing some great rainbows across the road to greet me I eventually arrived in Elgin to see everyone….but you’ll have to wait to see them….Goodnight !
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