At the end of a beautiful week, we all started gathering at the wonderful, and historic Gorton Monastery ready for Michael,( my nephew ) and Katrina’s wedding.
As I stepped through the doors from the car park, into the wonderful space of the old church, I was reminded of the days when I , as a child used to come here, on various festivities, as my sister Kathleen (who was the head girl), and brother Sean (who never would be!), went to the attached school. I well remember walking along the streets of Gorton, towards this wonderful church, and unbeknown to me at the time, this area was
the stomping ground of the Moors Murderers’ Brady and Hindley , of course they would have had to contend with my Mum and Dad – so I was safe !
Amazingly we were early, and so took advantage of being able to have a private viewing of the vast area, as my mind wandered, and related my stories to David and Kate
So, to the main event…the wedding of Michael and Katrina, who I probably first met when she fell over in my garden at my 50th Birthday party (it was an unseen step, that fooled her!) ,when she had recently met Michael at University, and saved him from starvation !
As the happy couple stood in front of the main altar for pictures, it was a great, and lovely sight, as we all clapped and waved
Then, a lovely meal, and speeches seemingly quickly followed by the dancing, out early onto the floor, beckoned (dragged !) by my eldest sister Letitia, with those immortal words…’This tune’s got your name on it’…and I was off, straight into my impressive array of dance moves… they’ve still not guessed – I’ve been going to Dance classes in Modern Jive…although most of my relatives couldn’t understand the delicate moves I was doing !
Then, the first dance…and all the moves were straight from my classes…Jotown first..the rest later, although I must say they were a lot more polished than me ! Clearly though, the word had got out, as I had all the women dancing with me !
The evening flew along in the fabulous setting , until all too soon it was 1 a.m...and time to beat a hasty retreat home…with lots to do later that day…and a willing driver (Thanks Kate) to get me home safely, and cheaply…
Thanks to Michael and Katrina, for a great occasion,
Health,Wealth and Happiness be yours in your new married life together..…starting with the Honeymoon in India !