I was up bright and early for my appointment at the US Capitol,and as I wandered down towards it, everywhere I looked was a piece of History, the Old Post Office building, http://www.oldpostofficedc.com/history.php more like a palace,
and as I wandered up the road, a very famous inscription on the side wall of the J.Edgar Hoover building http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Edgar_Hoover_Building ,
and then onwards towards the Capitol Building, seen in the distance, up along Pennsylvania Avenue , still passing other historical buildings as I wandered along.
Soon I was outside my initial destination for the day, the US Capitol http://www.aoc.gov/cc/capitol/index.cfm a very impressive sight close up, continuing to grow as I got nearer. I called into the visitors centre,
presented my ‘credentials’ and immediately whisked into a tour group about to leave – no point wasting time ! Soon we were introduced to the tour guide Jay, who issued everyone with radio headphones, and we were off, into the bowels of the building, firstly the ‘Crypt’ and the spot where all streets in Washington radiate from,
below the famous ‘Rotunda’,and then up and into the room itself, with a magnificent Fresco painted on the ceiling ,and statues all around the walls…and tales of battles with the British, before establishing Independence !
Then into the National Statuary gallery,containing statues of famous people from every state in the US ..and so the end of the tour. I then left the Capitol building via a tunnel linked to the Library of Congress,
said to be the largest library in the World ! http://www.loc.gov/index.html a very impressive building, and contents, which again I didn’t have enough time to do justice to, but I did get an idea of what was available…I them made my was back to the Hotel, to get out of the midday sun, and change (my socks!) before setting off on the Subway (which was an experience in itself) for
Arlington Cemetery http://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/Default.aspx and just as I arrived the heavy skies erupted into a Thunderstorm, with rain thundering down, as the lightning flashed all around, thankfully I was able to shelter under a gateway for a while, and not get too wet (just drenched!) then I started my tour –so much to see,and report on…so I won’t say too much…
Kennedy graves,with the eternal flame, the National Auditorium , and at the front of it the Tombs of the Unknown Soldiers, where I arrived just as the ‘Changing of the Guard ‘ was taking place –not quite Buckingham Palace standards, but nevertheless impressive !
I walked all around the graveyard,dodging continuing showers, eventually arriving back at the Visitor Centre, to the museum and out into the street, ready, I thought for a gentle walk back into Washington City… I was wrong as a US Marine approached, asking if I was attending the ‘Sunset Ceremony’ ? as the transport was ready, so not turning down an opportunity ! I got on the bus, to be taken to the Iwo Jima memorial for the parade ,due to start at 7 p.m. http://www.marines.mil/unit/barracks/Pages/sunsetparade.aspx
On arrival there were lots of people milling around, and various Marine units rehearsing their drills !An impressive start to the evening..
and best of all – it was free !
Bang on 7 p.m. the parade started, with the drum and bugle core marching on, and around ,followed by marines doing various drills and marches, as the sun went down over Washington. Shortly after 8 p.m. the Parade finished, and
I was returned to Arlington to start my walk back into Washington, by now gathering in the gloom of twilight.
I walked over Memorial Bridge, crossing the Potomac River http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/wash/dc69.htm towards the Lincoln Memorial, bathed in floodlights,
and just as impressive as in daylight… as were all the Washington monuments, which I viewed as I trudged back to the Hotel, and collapse !
A very tired Jotown, has seen everything he needs to, and wishes you a Goodnight !