Well, what did I do in 2013 ??
I travelled in 9 differing countries
I spent 168 days/nights away from home
I drove… lots
I drank….lots
I saw so many people I couldn’t even begin to count
I decided what I would be doing in 2014 ?!
Welcome to my travelling tales Here you'll be able to follow all my Worldwide Adventures, as I complete them. Sometimes I'll be in my trusty campervan 'Wally'-in Britain and Europe ...sometimes I'll be using those steel wings...and flying around the World. I Love to hear from anyone..you can send me a message/invite...or even...a challenge to complete ! So, sit back, hold tight...and enjoy !
Well, what did I do in 2013 ??
I travelled in 9 differing countries
I spent 168 days/nights away from home
I drove… lots
I drank….lots
I saw so many people I couldn’t even begin to count
I decided what I would be doing in 2014 ?!
I just beat the cold snowy weather in the UK , as early December saw me driving up to Lossiemouth…. for the Christmas season !
Wayne had gone out to Afghanistan ‘on duty’, whilst Kate, by now 6 months pregnant and little Chloe were ‘home alone’… so Grandad ‘Jotown’ was there to entertain them !
It was a tough assignment, we had to go to ‘baby bop’ ‘wee gym’ and all sorts of other desperate venues…like the beach !! Yes, even in Winter…
whilst the nearby Cairngorms were wreathed in ice and snow….in Lossiemouth… we were basking in the winter sunshine… even though the wind was a bit ‘keen’ at times !!
Me and my mate Chloe hit the nearby beach everyd day that it wasn’t raining… which to be fair was most of the time, unless Mum insisted we had to go visiting !
The mess Christmas Party, had the girls dressed up, and ready to party…
although the bearded man with the Red coat on was a bit of a shock “!!
Christmas came and went, disaster averted when all the telephones were broken…Jotown to the rescue, managing to hook his mobile up to the computer, and speak to Dad in Afghanistan on ‘Skype’ on Christmas Day ! Phew !
Of course whilst in North East Scotland, there was always the potential for a bit of star gazing… and maybe even the Northern lights…which I managed to see feint glimpses of whilst on m way home from church .. now that was a bonus…I was only expecting shooting stars, as a meteor shower was underway !!
Boxing day saw us out on the beach again, bumping into an old colleague of mine, and taking in the great skies !
All too soon it was the New Year… and time to say farewell to Scotland for a short time…and return home..
During the summer of ‘The Gathering’ we all realised that not everyone could get to Ireland, so my cousin David and others had organised our own ‘Gathering’… at the Whittington Heath Golf Club in Staffordshire http://www.whittingtonheathgc.co.uk/Default.aspx
and here we are…What a wonderful day, where we even had some of our own Irish Dancing.. Great Day, and so lovely to meet all my cousins again !
To top it all…. my daughter Anna arrived the next day, along with her husband Gavin took me for lunch… to announce that … another Grandchild was on the way !!
Its going to be a busy 2014 !
I’d had a fleeting visit to Cannock Chase in Staffordshire…and finally decided to ‘retire’ the mountain bike… after I’d smashed all the chain and gearing on some rocks… at least it wasn’t me !
So, after a few visits to the shops… I was persuaded to buy a posh new ‘steed’ ,
and was soon out testing it on the hills over to Edale and back…amazing what a difference a new bike….seems to make !
I’d not been back long from Wales as my next two Grandsons arrived – Ethan and Elijah – who were to stop with me for the week… ready for some adventures !
I started gently with them, going to the Museum of Science and Industry http://www.mosi.org.uk/ in Manchester… one of my personal favourites, and although busy with lots of other half term visitors, still a good day out …. and well worth the travel in and out,
and whilst we were on our way home discovered something for later in the week… However the next day the boys ‘insisted’ on a nice walk up onto South Head in the Autumn ‘sunshine’…or was it wind and rain ?
What could be done in the Autumn rain… something that even Grandad was looking forward to …the BMX track at Platt Fields in Manchester !http://www.nationalcyclingcentre.com/bmx/outdoor-track/
I collected Little Lol and his cousin on the way there,
and the five of us turned up ready to ride ! I’m not sure they were all too pleased to see Grandad ready to ride
…but ride he did, and what a great time…and they all kept racing, determined to eventually beat me…so I had to give in eventually …didn’t I ?
All too soon, the week was over, and we all drove down to Wiltshire and back… for me to put my feet up !!
A nice invite across to Wales from Anna,Gavin ,Tristan and Lincoln, had us all sat in a Jacuzzi…in the rain in Snowdonia… well it would be a shame not to, when it looked so inviting !
We were stopping at a great Holiday Park up in Snowdonia, and not only was there lots of things to do there,
we were only up the road from Caernavon Castle, where we had great fun climbing…and imagining ..
and had a great daytrip up to the top of Mount Snowdon…. although the youngsters took the train !
So, a flying visit to Wales, saw me leaving them all there as I returned home… to prepare for the next bunch…
I stopped updating my blog, as I realised I would have lots of family commitments to keep me busy…
and didn’t anticipate a great deal of travelling…
So, here I am, December 2014….14 months gone by… and loads of ‘complaints’ from my loyal readership !… and lots of exciting events and travelling in between !!
So, I’m now going to update my blog- if only to refresh my mind- with backdated entries, obviously a lot shorter than usual ( good, you all say !)… giving you a flavour of the time I’ve had since September 2013, my last ‘live’ entries…
Then… when I’m ‘up to date’….I promise to keep ‘up to date’ !!
After my exploits of the day before, I awoke in Mabie a little stiff,bruised…and wondering what to do ?
-the heavy rain pattering down on Wallys roof helped me decide !…go home
So that’s what I did -ready for the Hayfield Sheepdog trials http://hayfieldshow.co.uk/whats-on/ this weekend, just hoping the weather improves, as forecast…although I arrived home to heavy rain !
Until my next travels…I’ll leave you with this quote from Oscar Wilde that Fr Colin made at church in Elgin last Sunday…brilliant
The only difference between the saint and the sinner is …that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future
i was up bright and early, setting off from Kate’s before 10 a.m…. I had decided to travel down to the Dumfries area again,hoping to beat the bad weather, which was further South and maybe get a ride in today and tomorrow, before heading completely home…
i went through several weather systems, as I traversed the Cairngorms, seeing a ribbon of snow on some of the highest ridges…winter is on it’s way !
I stopped in Perth for lunch at Tiso, wolfing down a hot spicy bean soup, and Mexican prawn sandwich…about halfway to where I intended on stopping…
I got to Ae forest, around 3 p.m., accompanied by black threatening clouds overhead, and not a very satisfactory place to stop the night.. so I continued into Dumfries, filled up with fuel, and headed back to Mabie forest again – where I had first stopped 2 weeks ago en route North…
The sun was shining, and I splashed out on a £3 parking ticket…no going back now, I was here for the night !
I changed into my riding clothes and set off on the Red trail again, up the hills, twisting and turning through the forest, until eventually topping out, with a view down to the Galloway coast beneath me … then time to start heading down and round, along the rocky trail,
which now and then gave way to sharp protruding rocks ..just enough to test me.. and every so often, breaking through the trees for views all around, and some nice sun on my back… the trail was almost 20 kms…
and eventually I started to feel it !, especially when I hit a tree stump head on, and went straight over the handlebars, landing in a crumpled heap on the forest floor…no bones broken though, I dusted myself off…and carried on, slightly more warily this time..down the aptly named Roller coaster… with high banked corners for me to swoop around…eventually landing back at Wally shortly before 7 p.m., glad to be back in one piece – with only a sore wrist, and muddy legs!
A quick visit to the toilets for a wash and scrub down, and I was ready for my dinner – hot chilli con carne…loadsa chocolate…and an early night beneath the starry sky of the Forest…Goodnight !
I’d stayed on at Kate’s for a couple of extra days, as she had a hospital appointment today, and I was to be ‘in charge’ of Chloe…fun just in itself..
So, on Monday we went to Roseisle a forest adjoining the beach, where Kate,Chloe and me went for a walk, playing on the climbing frames in the forest,
before heading out onto the sand dunes, and into the blasting wind, although there was sunshine, unlike the gales and rain in the rest of the UK…so, not too bad !!
Tuesday morning Kate left me and Chloe to go for a walk on the beach…although we didn’t get far… the tide was in..and Chloe was already asleep, so I went back home to pack up, being back on the road tomorrow… whilst Kate was at the hospital…after springing the surprise on me as I arrived last week… of another Grandchild being on the way…and as she arrived back home, she doubled up on the surprise news…another Grandchild on the way…(that’s twins !!)
What a surprise, and a wonderful end to my time up in Lossiemouth…although I think I’ll be back a few times over the next few months !
Chloe was unperturbed, although she was seen examining new accommodation for herself, in case things get too busy !!
I stayed to watch Manchester United’s first match in the Champions League, another good start 4-2 , so, a happy Goodnight to all !
On a sunny Autumn morning at the seaside…what do you do ? Get the Grandchild wrapped up, and go for a walk on the beach…and, once she’s safely snoozing…treat yourself to a Chocolate Waffle cone, filled with Tutti Frutti ice cream ….luvverly !
Back to Kate’s to collect Mum, and into Elgin for the ‘Food and Drink’ festival, which was slightly disappointing, although Chloe (and Grandad ) had the chance to ‘milk’ a cow…udderly daft !
then we were able to watch the ‘balloon clown’ make us a special ‘swan’ before we headed back home, worn out with all our antics…
ready to relax before Dad came home from ‘survival’ in the forest !
As to Sunday ? a day of rest,reading and roasties… Grandads still the ‘Master Chef’ !!
Having fun in Scotland, before the Autumn gales arrive !!
Who believes in that ‘Friday 13th’….unluckiness ??
-not me…it was a nice fresh morning around Carbisdale Castle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbisdale_Castle , as I had a leisurely Breakfast, and then set off on the ‘Red Run’ bike trail, relatively short at 7.5 kms, but one to warm me up on the cold and dry morning with not another soul in sight…
I was soon up at the top, nicely warmed, and ready to swoop down through the trees and banks, and back to Wally for a nice cup of tea and toast – luxury !
..and time for another run, as the weather turned a little damp…or was it my perspiration ? swooping back down to Wally, I was able to change, another cuppa, then off towards Lossiemouth, for another cosy weekend with ‘The Girls’ !!
Chloe had decided to take after Grandad, and do some riding..as she went off to the shops with Dad,
having already made a cake with Mummy for a very important person….Grandad !
The day was finished off with an aerobatic display outside the house…specially for Grandad ? or was it for the Officers mess Summer Ball ?
So, not such an unlucky day for Jotown !! Goodnight
Obviously my ‘nap’ the night before , helped me to get up early…and I watched the sun breaking over the distant hills
It was a nice sunny morning, and I breakfasted with delight..then got on the bike, and headed off into the forest, scratching my way through the Gorse bushes on the link trail, and then climbed up towards the distant tower… I stuck to the ‘new me’ and refusing to do the Black run, suddenly found myself hurtling down the trails,
towards the valley floor, and by the time I realised it- I was almost back down to the bottom…and I wasn’t climbing it all again…so that was it, done !
I sat in the midday sun having snacks , and reading my book http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bradley-Wiggins-My-Time-Autobiography/dp/022409212X re-living the dream !
Then it was time to move on again, and having packed up I set off, firstly having a nice bowl of Curried Parsnip soup, and lemon drizzle cake in a handy cafe in Golspie, then drove across to Carbisdale Forest, hoping to do another ride today…unfortunately by the time I was there it was lashing down with rain, so could do no more than…continue to read my book, and watch the rain come down…it’s a tough life !
As it went dark later in the evening, the sky started to clear, and I later lay in bed looking through the side window at the stars falling from the sky (meteors)..brilliant, I spent hours with the binoculars on my nose, watching the spectral display…superb
So, on a late night starry night…Goodnight !
I awoke on the ‘Big Day’ to a wet and drizzly Cromarty – the last time I’ll have a Birthday in my 50’s !! , I know I don’t look it, in fact most don’t believe I’m 50 ! Thanks to everyone who got their cards/presents to me before I left…no doubt there’ll be a big pile behind the door when I get home…? I had a look around a wet Cromarty early morning, whilst deciding what to do, having a long conversation with a chap trying to work out which Campervan would suit him best ! and having made plans for lunch, continued around the Black Isle, looking out at the oil rigs in the sea,
and little harbours all around the coast – the rain was easing off, so hopeful of getting a ride later in the day… I called to the Black Isle brewery http://www.blackislebrewery.com/ hoping to purchase some Porter to celebrate the Big day later…unfortunately the place was closed…ah well, I left the Black Isle to itself, and returned to Inverness to meet up with Kate and Chloe for my celebration lunch, which she treated me to ! Lovely, Thank You
Then I was off again, further up North, to Golspie http://www.highlandwildcat.com/index.php to sample a few of the trails around here, although I had promised myself I wouldn’t do the Black trails anymore …( I’m an old geezer now !). I found myself a good spot to stay the night, overlooking the sea to my front, and in a forest clearing, so hoping for a clear night sky…I got changed, got on the bike and headed off into the forest..along the ‘Pict trail’ and then out onto Queens Drive, up through the forest, guided by a local who I met, and out onto open roads, looking across at Ben Bhraggie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Bhraggie which I’ll be climbing tomorrow, with the monument on the top.. it was quite a different view to what I had expected and I just kept riding for a while, before turning around, and roaring down the hillside to Wally, to finish all my phone calls and texts..and relax for the evening…
As it went dark, the sky was reasonable clear, so I settled down on my bed, to await it getting fully dark …and promptly fell asleep ! – when I awoke…the clouds had come over …so the moment had gone, and I retired undone !
Goodnight -Thanks again for all my Birthday Wishes
I’d packed and set off from Kate’s in the lovely sunshine of Lossiemouth, before tanking up with fuel and food at Nairn ( Sainsbury’s, of course !), and then on to Inverness, as I called through there I stopped at the ‘Dolphin Centre’, who directed me down beneath the Inverness bridge, to gaze out at the flowing river to see if I could se any Dolphins…yes, was the answer…although in the distance, and a lonely figure as one swam around out in the River, for a short time, before disappearing.. however my taste was wetted, and off I went out onto the Black Isle, and to Chanonry Point, reputed to be one of the best places in the world to see Dolphins from the shore..
The car park was full, so I was hopeful of it being a good time.. sadly it wasn’t, as I was told most of the ‘action’ had finished, although there were still some porpoises and Dolphins swimming out in the bay, which I was able to see with my binoculars ..and I wandered around for a while, and then returned to Wally, wondering where to stop for the night – in spite of the ‘No Overnight Parking’ (which is actually unlawful !)-
I decided to stop the night, and what a night…firstly it was nice and quiet, and secondly the late afternoon sunshine, gave way to a spectacular sunset ,
which in itself gave way to a Double Rainbow, appearing out of the lighthouse roof ,
the rainbow being a completely full arc..and more special effects to follow.. although unfortunately I couldn’t capture any pics of the stars which were out, and so I settled into bed a ‘Happy Bunny’
From early the next morning I could hear people arriving (6-30 a.m.), but took a leisurely approach to my Dolphin spotting, only going out around 8 a.m., as I sensed the tidal waters turning.. I was chatting to a chap with a big camera set up, and as he was telling me he hadn’t seen anything…two fins appeared from the water, as two Dolphins, or maybe porpoises swam along very close to the shoreline, they spent some time in front of us, it seemed to be a mother and baby…great, and a good start to the day !
From then on I became the ‘spotter’ as different ones appeared from different directions, all swimming past the point I was on ( Chanonry) ,
some even performing acrobatics for the watching crowd, who’s ranks swelled as the morning went along ! I was about to go for breakfast just after 10 a.m. as a large pod of Dolphins swam very fast across the bay, flipping over as they went along, and rushed around the point, and off towards Inverness, very satisfying…I wondered whether it would get better ? – it didn’t !
Some lone ones appeared later, so eventually I had lunch, and headed off from there to a Bike trail a few miles away
When I got there I found the trail I wanted to do was closed, and so I went further along to Cromarty, and settled down on the hillside for the night, with views out onto the Moray Firth, and oil rigs being refurbished/prepared…and the rain arrived for the night !
So, before the big day…I’ll wish you all Goodnight !