Well, what did I do in 2013 ??
I travelled in 9 differing countries
I spent 168 days/nights away from home
I drove… lots
I drank….lots
I saw so many people I couldn’t even begin to count
I decided what I would be doing in 2014 ?!
Welcome to my travelling tales Here you'll be able to follow all my Worldwide Adventures, as I complete them. Sometimes I'll be in my trusty campervan 'Wally'-in Britain and Europe ...sometimes I'll be using those steel wings...and flying around the World. I Love to hear from anyone..you can send me a message/invite...or even...a challenge to complete ! So, sit back, hold tight...and enjoy !
Well, what did I do in 2013 ??
I travelled in 9 differing countries
I spent 168 days/nights away from home
I drove… lots
I drank….lots
I saw so many people I couldn’t even begin to count
I decided what I would be doing in 2014 ?!
I just beat the cold snowy weather in the UK , as early December saw me driving up to Lossiemouth…. for the Christmas season !
Wayne had gone out to Afghanistan ‘on duty’, whilst Kate, by now 6 months pregnant and little Chloe were ‘home alone’… so Grandad ‘Jotown’ was there to entertain them !
It was a tough assignment, we had to go to ‘baby bop’ ‘wee gym’ and all sorts of other desperate venues…like the beach !! Yes, even in Winter…
whilst the nearby Cairngorms were wreathed in ice and snow….in Lossiemouth… we were basking in the winter sunshine… even though the wind was a bit ‘keen’ at times !!
Me and my mate Chloe hit the nearby beach everyd day that it wasn’t raining… which to be fair was most of the time, unless Mum insisted we had to go visiting !
The mess Christmas Party, had the girls dressed up, and ready to party…
although the bearded man with the Red coat on was a bit of a shock “!!
Christmas came and went, disaster averted when all the telephones were broken…Jotown to the rescue, managing to hook his mobile up to the computer, and speak to Dad in Afghanistan on ‘Skype’ on Christmas Day ! Phew !
Of course whilst in North East Scotland, there was always the potential for a bit of star gazing… and maybe even the Northern lights…which I managed to see feint glimpses of whilst on m way home from church .. now that was a bonus…I was only expecting shooting stars, as a meteor shower was underway !!
Boxing day saw us out on the beach again, bumping into an old colleague of mine, and taking in the great skies !
All too soon it was the New Year… and time to say farewell to Scotland for a short time…and return home..