I headed out to Santiago airport on the Saturday morning, along with lots of other pilgrims… travelling to other parts of the World, the only one I knew was Cathy, en route to Canada, but, like me spending the weekend in London… all was going well, as we all shuffled along the boarding ramp, as the arriving passengers streamed off the plane… then…’Stop’ ! something had gone wrong, we stood there for around 30 minutes, and then were directed back into the terminal…to wait,wait and wait ! 7 hours of waiting, whilst a new plane was brought out to Santiago, the original one becoming defective !
Still, I had an interesting chat with a fellow pilgrim who was about to start as the Chief executive to Greater Manchester’s Crime Commissioner…what a coincidence !
We were well looked after though, and the seven hour delay meant….I got a free flight home, as the compensation paid for my fare !
Arriving at London Gatwick, I got the train to near my son Gerard’s home, and he collected me and gave me a proper English meal ! Lovely, and a nice bed for the night, and nice to see some of my Grandchildren… before the following morning taking me into London, to see another Grandchild, collect my case…and get me to the train for my journey up North…first class, no less – I was told I was a ‘First Class’ Pilgrim !!
I was collected at the rail station by my daughter Anna, and taken home to be greeted by 6 Grandchildren…and their parents ! Wow, what a welcome… and a Birthday cake too !!
I didn’t have much time to relax, Kate was staying at my house with three young children, so I had a few days of fun, with Chloe helping me to tidy the leaves away,
and meeting up with family for lunch, before Kate drove us all down to her new home in Buckinghamshire, where I spent a few days exploring the surroundings
I headed back up North, to settle in… again… although I was caught by surprise again a couple of weeks later,Anna had invited me to join them for a curry, and so I walked in to the Restaurant…Surprise,surprise !! Ambushed again… there was my Dad, brothers,sisters and partners determined to wish me a ‘Happy 60th Birthday ‘!!
Once again I’d been surprised and delighted
Thanks everyone…now to get on with things !!