A quick visit down to Buckinghamshire for the twins first Birthday ( yes, time has flown !!) saw me heading down through the Midlands, and stopping en route in the Cotswolds.. at Coaley Peak http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=48284&p=0
looking down over the River Severn, and the Cotswolds.. so although I’d passed through the area many times, I hadn’t actually sopped there..until now !
I was fortunate as when I got there, I heard that the next morning would be an opportunity to see the ‘Severn Bore’ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severn_bore, so setting my alarm for 6 30 a.m. I settled down for the night, and after a chilly sunrise, was ready at the side of the River Severn, along with lots of other people, just after 8 a.m. to await the first ‘5 star Bore’ of 2015…
slowly but surely the waters seemed to stir around the River bend in the distance,and then the roar of water, as it came crashing up the River, from the distant sea ….sweeping up the bank as it passed
– some, although not many people were out on the river surfing the wave, or riding it in canoes – very chilly ! The wave was soon passed, everyone went,
and I was left to wander along the bank watching the water levels rise , quite significantly, at times flooding out onto a nearby side road, and certainly swamping the river defences !
I meandered along for a time, as the River covered my tracks, creating instant pictures as I looked and watched the debris being carried up…and later back down the river !
Having wandered around the area for the morning, and had lunch, it was time to get going, and travel across to Marlowe, for the main weekend event !
A slightly chaotic weekend ensued, with lots of fun…sickly vomiting children…balloons…cake …and Grandad Jotown looking after his little ones…so no photos yet …I may get some, which I’ll add, otherwise it’s just to wish Jacob and William ‘ Happy Birthday ‘….1 Year old !
I stayed until Sunday, then battled back, through the snow of Derbyshire, to get home… before more icy/snowy roads stopped me … a quite different weekend !