A bit of a grim Wednesday morning in Glen Roy, saw me having a lazy morning, reading,eating and waiting for things to improve – they didn’t, so I set off down the road, and, still not finding anything much better, I headed for the top end of Laggan, and buried myself in the forest, watched the rain…. and read another book ! – Oh, and ordered something special to greet me when I return from Scotland… ???
Thursday was no great improvement, so after a trip into Fort William for some cream cakes (!) I headed for the North Face Car Park, below Ben Nevis, for another night - I did manage a small walk meandering through the forest, and giving me an idea for the following day…
Friday was a lot nicer, or at least dry !, so I headed off towards Ben Nevis North Face…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Nevis a great historical place for climbers young and old ( even me !)
- I’ll explain more later !
The track had improved so much over the years, what used to be a boggy, horrible trail, was now a lovely well surfaced track for me to wander up the hillsides !, all the time remember my epic climb up this way once, at least 15 years ago… I had come up with Susan for our first real winter climb on Ben Nevis ( never having climbed it before), and ,as usual, she had decided we would climb it by an ‘exciting route’…up at the top of the valley – I could see it today, but back then the rocks were shrouded in mist (and ice/snow)… so I saw ahead of me, the rock wall which we had attempted…
and which I had been ‘avalanched’ off !, hurtling back down towards the boulder field below, although, fortunately I had managed to come to a halt before plummeting over another edge ! – So, if I look nervous… I was !
Lovely day though, reminiscing sitting amongst the rocks, and taking in the views – both physical and mental !
I meandered back down the valley , eating my sandwiches on a nicely placed bench, looking down on Fort William !
After I returned to Wally, I headed down to the town, for a well deserved shower in the sports centre (for only £1-15 !!), and a pleasant drive along and through Glencoe… and overnight towards home, ready to get on with my ‘Autumn duties’ !!
I drove along on the night of
Halloween…missing these scary characters (but they were a long way from me!
And now, I’m home… ready for my next journey… where… who knows I certainly don’t !
I’ll let you know,when I do !