What a glorious day !! 3 months to the day since leaving Ramsgate, Kent I awoke to conclude my pilgrimage where I always wanted to - the Holy Door at St Peters, Vatican City.. and I would walk through it, having walked across 4 countries to get here!! I'd been a little underwhelmed at my reception and experience as I arrived in Rome and the Vatican yesterday, not that I, or any of my fellow pilgrims expected a fanfare... Although I did receive many many messages from around the World since arriving in Rome... Another humbling experience!! - Which was compounded later yesterday evening by having our feet washed (and kissed) by the Hospitalero, from the Confraternity of St James... Anyway today I wandered out of the hostel shortly after 730 am, to walk along the riverbank of the Tiber towards the Vatican... My legs had obviously decided 'time was up', as my ankle which had been troubling me for some weeks (ever since the Alps!) was very painful, and I ended up hobbling my way along... Nothing would stop me now!!
I arrived at the end of Via del Conciliazone, at the start of the walkway to the Holy door.... I was 2 hours early, but had decided I may need a little time to recollect and pray along the way (and did!!)
I was given a prayer leaflet to contemplate along the way, along with a DVD of Luke's gospel, and then I set off walking along the long road, pausing to reflect, remember and pray as I went along... I hope that I remembered all my, and your special requests for prayer as I walked along... I'm sure I did!! I stopped at the church of St Mary of Reconciliation along the way... To find a compliant Italian priest... To hear my confession... My preparations were as good as I could make! I walked through the security checks at St Peters square, then sat in the shade for quite some time, watching various groups going up along the walkway towards the Holy Door:
trying to remember, pray and reflect... It was quite overwhelming (my mascara may have run a little!!)
Then I set off across the hot square, up towards the steps leading up to St Peters, again pausing as I went along... And waiting!!
At exactly 11 am (10 am UK time) I walked up to, and paused at the special Holy Door... As I stood there, quite overwhelmed by the experience, and praying a nice 'bubble' appeared around me and I was allowed to contemplate and pray as I wished... there may have been crowds around me, but not troubled by officialdom - thanks!
Then, through the Holy Door I passed, touching its bronze panels.... and drinking in the experience!! Then I was into the basilica, I prayed briefly at the tomb of St John Paul II, then left the basilica, and went down to the crypt, where I was able to finalise my pilgrimage at the tomb of St Peter...... what more can I say!? I had walked the three months to get here and do this... Was it worth it?- absolutely!! I went up to the basilica, and attended mass there... Had a little wander round, taking in the sights...
Touching the foot of St Peters statue as I left... Then it was all done!! There's not many pictures today, I didn't want to interrupt myself!! Once again thanks to my son in law Wayne for keeping my blog up to date, to Fr John Cairns my parish priest, who has emailed me every day, and everyone who's taken this pilgrimage with me - your support and prayers have been overwhelming, and I'm very grateful for them! I cannot say anymore...
Thank You, may God bless you all. Joe