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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Snow Use, you’ll just have to have Fun !


Northern Lights 108So, having had an ‘early night’ I was up bright and early for Breakfast, and a quick look outside –this was taken at 10 a.m., and still quite dark. I had a cunning plan, to save money (my favourite !), but still have action on the snow, so kitted up with my thermal suit and boots, it being around -10C to –15C, Northern Lights 123I got a sledge from outside the Lodge, and up the road on the nearby hill…looked out across towards Sweden, and swooped back down on the sledge…this was going to be fun, all I needed to do now was …get some control !

DSCF4226Up, and down I went, time and again, getting better and faster as I went, until near the end of the morning I even tried some ‘advanced’ manoeuvres, as you can see… I was getting good !

Then it was back for lunch, and an afternoons rest, snooze,read and preparation for the nightime adventures again !

So, that evening, just after 830 p.m. I set off up the hill again, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ‘Light’s…nothing !

I stayed for a couple of hours, returned to the lodge for a warm, and went back out at midnight…up to the top of the frozen hill ! Again it was quite overcast, although occasionally there were small glimpses of clear sky, and as this was what I had come for…I was going to wait !

Lots of other people wandered up and down the hill, wondering whether there would be any sights tonight ?

Again, shortly after 2 a.m. the sky started to clear, and suddenly, the sky lit up, with what I can still hardly explain, but these bright lights appearing in the middle of the sky, splitting one way and another, joining again, and swirling around – it was supposed to be magical, and it was ! A pity my camera couldn’t capture anything !

Northern Lights 142I watched the amazing sights for almost an hour before they faded (as I did !), and set off for my bed, satisfied once more..

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