I’d intended having a bit of a lie in today, after my long days travel yesterday, unfortunately no one told the local work force who were obviously getting the municipal swimming pool ready for the season, and I just happened to be parked behind it…Oh well, the sun was shining, and I had a nice breakfast next to the river…
I then drove back to the parking area at Puente de los 7 Ojos, a popular starting point for walking in the famed Rio Lobos Canyon….and I must admit, I was impressed… straight away as I walked away from the parking area…and into the canyon proper, there were already several Griffon Vultures circling overhead, and by using my binoculars I could see in the clefts of the cliff face, some ‘baby vultures’ ( rather large I might add !), the canyon was several hundred meters deep, with sheer cliffs on either side, of some amazing differing rock formations…. and it was hot , and dry !!
The river had disappeared underground in most places, although when it did bubble along the surface, there were lots of frogs loudly croaking, and all sorts of dragonflies hovering over the water…it was great ! I kept walking, only seeing a couple of people who started around the same time as me, so it was also very peaceful ( and did I say….hot !) I bounced along looking at all sorts through my binoculars, and occasionally just sitting in the shade, and listening to the sounds of ….’Nature’
Eventually after about 2 1/2 hours I got to the Ermita de San Bartoleme, an imposing chapel constructed high above the canyon, and clearly near to another parking area, as the trail had got busy just before then, with lots of people walking in the opposite direction to me ! There was a huge cave – Cueva Grande – there also,
which I climbed up to the back of… and finally got my camera out ! Above the chapel, was a large hole in the rock,
where you could look back up the canyon, framed in the rocks, they were great sites ( and you know I love rocks !),
all the while the vultures and large birds were still circling overhead in the midday heat
I had a nice pleasant lunch, in the shade of the trees, before starting on my return journey of another 11 kms walk in the midday sun ! – rationing my one litre of water as I went !
There was a different perspective as I returned, seeing the rock formations from the other direction,
all the differing colours seeming to stand out in the full glare of the sun…. and the frogs had gone quiet in the heat !
I got back to the parking area around 4 p.m. and promptly drank 2 litres of water…and made some food, before I headed off to the National Park information centre ( very helpful) and getting some other views from
La Gallinea viewpoint up above the canyon, even above the circling Vultures.. there was a gang of motor bikers there from Madrid… any prizes for what the name means ?!
Then it was time to find somewhere to stay again – I found another nice ‘Aire’ at an another village Hontoria Del Pinar, a nice quiet (when the wood factory closed !) large parking area, with fresh water supplied, all in the shadows of a nice rock bluff, protecting me from the thunderstorms across the area !
Only a little rain came my way, so after dinner I had a walk up the bluff, to the large cross erected (and floodlit ) on the top , pity we can’t have the same at home !
Anyway, a nice enjoyable, although tiring day, 22 kms walk, sights,sights and more sights… and another days travel tomorrow… still heading for the North East !
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