A lovely sunrise on frosty fields..
I was packed and on my way by 8 am- straight to the village bakers, for 2 pan au chocolate, and (surprisingly for the assistant!) a chicken sandwich for later.... I wasn't going to get caught hungry again (well, I hoped not!).
As I wandered through the village I saw that even the tops of the privet hedges were frosted over,
and I happily sat at the bus stop eating my breakfast!
Then it was up, and wandering over the fields and manes, under a crystal blue sky,
up and down a few stiff hills, which had me taking off my top jersey, and I wandered along in just a short sleeved top..
I was tracking what were described as quiet wooded back roads, however today there was some form of bike event, so I was constantly having cyclists zooming past me (not many even acknowledging me!)
As the morning wore on, although it remained sunny, a stiff icy wind was blowing into me, on went the jumper again, and I didn't hang around, keeping going just to stay warm!!
As I travelled my last fudge if the day, I came upon a long abandoned chapel - ale Chappelle de Guemy - in a beautiful setting, looking down over the valleys below
I found a bench to laze under the sunshine for a while, eventually noticing the sun had a distinctive halo all around it... A not very usual sight!!
- even less with one around me !!
Then it still being icy I wandered down into my nights stop, Tournahem sur la Hem..
Once again a fine big church
with the mass cancelled for the day, and so I held my own service inside the big empty church.
I then went to my nights stop, having splashed out on a Hotel - Bal, which I easily found... And strangely found it wouldn't be open until 4 pm... So I had to sit around in a sheltered spot waiting ...
The evening meal was worth it though- only €17-50 for 3 excellent courses, just a slight extra for my drinks !!
A day with a difference.
So many churches!