I’d had a good nights sleep, although I was awake quite a few times, looking up at the starlit sky, although I was so tired, I could only ‘gaze’ for a short time, before resuming my slumbers ! Not a soul had passed since I arrived until 7 a.m. this morning , when some foresters drove past, but only a few, so it was pleasant Breakfast, as I looked forward to the day ahead, contemplating doing this via Feratta, and moving on to the next before lunch ? – how wrong I would be !
By 9 a.m. I was ready to go, and in the morning sunshine set off from my nice camp spot ,having had a refreshing wash in the River to start the day off ! When I got to the information board, http://www.laviaferrata.net/topo-via-ferrata-faurie.html I found that since my route description from the book had been done, the route had been split into two, a tres sportif (very difficult) and a facile (easy), so which to do (or both?).
I decided that the ‘new me’ should just do the easier one, so set off up the track, between the limestone cliffs, to find the easier route..easier said than done ! After a bit of searching I came across what appeared to be the route, and set off upwards into the trees, and cliffs above..
it seemed a peculiar route, being quite hard for no real reason (all would be explained later in the day ) Views across the valley were pleasant though, with water poring down the opposite cliffs. I was soon at the top, and carried on upwards, trying to find the descent path – to no avail, and I started to wonder whether I had actually climbed the descent path( I had !), and so, now had lost that,as well as the reasonable way down . I wandered along the top of the cliffs, trying to find a path, and eventually came upon a scree slope/path which I followed,and eventually scrambled down to safety !
I wandered up and down the trail several times, determined to find the correct route, until eventually after several attempts, I spied a little sign nailed to a tree, indicating the route – none that I’d done ! So I returned to Wally, had another wash in the cold river, being boiling hot by now, and had lunch and rested in the heat of the midday, to return again in the afternoon..
which is what I did, shortly after 3 p.m. I packed up and started out again, although a lot of cloud had moved in, and I wondered whether there would be storms later...
I again found the correct path, and set off up into the trees, soon being confronted with climbing a wall up the cliff, then out and onto a terrace above the cliffs below, that was a lot of this route, sounds a lot easier than it was, as frequently I was having to go round corners, hanging out over the drop below, and convincing myself ‘It’s an ‘easy ‘route’ - was it flippin ‘eck !
Fortunately by now this side of the cliff was in the afternoon shade, so although hot, wasn’t really too hot, although my ‘nervous sweats’ didn’t help !, finding unusual things along the route did though !
The traverse along the cliffs was quite lengthy, every time I thought it was the end, I’d turn a corner, and see another long terrace snaking out in front of me , and the ‘drops’ seemed to be getting bigger !
However I eventually found my way to the end of the traverse, up and down a few more walls, and... I was at the spot where I’d climbed to this morning ! - the down route, it was so much easier doing it the proper way !, and then I was down, hot ,weary,thirsty and satisfied - I’d picked the correct route to do, and done it !
So, all that remained was a full shower in the ice cold(but crystal clear) river, a full change, and an early dinner, before the thunder and lightning moved in, which it did !
I’d decided to stay here, as I wouldn’t get another climb done today, and the accommodation is quite nice !
I sit here, with the crash of thunder, bolts of lightning, and an eerie yellowy colour to the sky, as the rain and hail come down, and the sound bounces around the surrounding mountains -tremendous ,and a Happy Good night to all !
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