I was up at the crack of dawn – just so I could leave before 8 a.m., and incur another $3 car park fee ! I’d done really well, the toilets had stayed open all night,
and the car park had been really peaceful ( deserted in fact ), so I’d had a good nights sleep , after my late night walk in the gorge, exploring…
So I set off full of no intentions, although with a rough plan (again) and as I drove along, I saw my first ‘sign of the day’ an ancient Gallic village, which ,when I’d driven up to the top of a steep hill, I was glad wasn’t yet open, it seemed pretty tatty, and charged $7 , which i wouldn’t pay,
although there were some nice panoramic views ( for nothing ) -the Romans had also been here first… and so I continued driving,
across and through the French countryside, bizarrely following an old American Buick station wagon for quite a while …I was hoping to get to the Canal du Midi start area, although I had a brief glimpse of one sign, I didn’t seem to track it down, and so, onward I went, and as I drove through Montpellier, decided this would be a good place to do the shopping, although easier said than done…however, I did eventually find a giant Carrefour for all my goodies, and also a Decathlon for some swimming gear, and bizarrely a union jack waterproof saddle cover, which I’ve been looking for for ages !
Then it was on and into the Camargue…I was here last year, although not well prepared, and had wanted to come back, so I headed for the sunshine..it was lovely –hot and pleasant on me, although with a strong wind blowing all the time, it kept things cool.
I headed for St Marie-de-la-mer ( St Mary’s on Sea!) http://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.saintesmaries.com/en/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dst%2Bmarie%2Bde%2Bla%2Bmer%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DvtS%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26channel%3Dfflb and booked in at a very busy Camping le Clos Du Rhone.http://www.eurocampings.fr/fr/europe/france/provence-alpes-cote-dazur/bouches-du-rhone/camping-le-clos-du-rhone-110569/ .which almost seemed at full capacity – at least in the cheap ASCI pitches !
I was able to get my moneys' worth, and swim in the pool and Jacuzzi, before a nice BBQ in the evening sunshine,and then a walk along the seafront …before heading back, and a snooze…so, I’ll decide tomorrow what comes next, so
Bonne Nuit, from the lovely Camargue ! (although there are some threatening black clouds overhead!)
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