I’d said ‘farewell’ to Corsica, by climbing the Genovese tower at the side of Col de Ste Lucie, which I’d climbed a few times on the bike…it didn’t look a lot higher..but it was !, and very warm in the climbing..then it was back down along the coast, and into the port of Bastia, to a very quiet terminal, for my 2100 sailing – having been loaded on by 1930, and settled in for a nice big meal, finding myself somewhere to sleep ( a Banquette at the back of the cafeteria !),
and slept overnight, for a smooth crossing of the Mediterranean, and back into the port at Nice.. with a nice red sunrise at 6 a.m., and smooth disembarkation in Nice, shortly after 7-30 a.m. ..then onto the motorway for my smooth transition into Italy, and to Chiavari https://www.google.it/search?q=leivi+chiavari&client=firefox-a&hs=OQD&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=fflb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=2Y7ZUfrhD4qHPZ25gegF&ved=0CG0QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=434, which even though my satnav wanted to take me another 50 miles…I came off at the right junction and found my way to Lynne’s home, to meet her and Elizabeth, and a welcome few days of rest,relaxation, being fed (and having all my washing done !), and not forgetting some excellent company, who spoke English – I’d forgotten what it was like to converse in English !
On the Friday we went up to Our Lady of Montallegro church,http://www.montallegro.org/en/sanctuary.htm via a funicular from Rapallo – where Susan and myself had been to Lynne and Fabrizio’s wedding over 23 years ago – what memories !,
from where you could look down into the bay of Rapallo, and in the distance Port Fino, where lots of the English footballers have been married …
We then had a pleasant walk along the ridge line, and through the forest/woodland, and back to Lynne’s for a nice afternoon relaxing in the pool and sunshine !
Saturday we all went into Chiavari itself, for some shopping, and another afternoon of relaxing, watching the Tour de France, live (what a luxury) watching Chris Froome take the tour leaders ‘yellow jersey’,and then the pleasure of some friends around for dinner, and chatting (again in English !)
Sunday it was morning mass at Ste Ruffino http://www.sanrufino.it/ then to La Novellina http://www.agriturismolanovellina.it/index%20inglese.html a rustic restaurant, for a large lunch of authentic Genovese/Ligurian dishes..then back to Lynne’s, for another day of TdF, Chris Froome retaining the yellow jersey, and then the sight of Britain celebrating with Andy Murray at Wimbledon…and on My Dad’s 88th Birthday…Happy Birthday Dad !
So, I’ve been well looked after this weekend, thank you Lynne and Elizabeth, and now I’m off again, back to France tomorrow…for where ? – I’m not too sure !
I’ll tell you when I get there, if I can …until then Ciao !
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