Yes, it was back to 4-15 a.m. awakenings, as me and Anthony were to take part in the Annual Pilgrimage to the top of Croagh Patrick..’Reek Sunday’
So, shortly before 5 a.m. we set off from Ballycong to head to the coast, through Castlebar and Westport, before arriving at the foot of the mountain in Murrisk …and ready to start for 6-10 a.m. we joined the throngs of other pilgrims taking part in the climb… it was estimated that 25,000 people would be climbing it today, there were certainly plenty setting off with us, some even doing it barefoot ! Almost immediately we passed the statue of St Patrick (with his own cloudy halo)
and continued along the rocky trail…aiming to get to the top before 8 a.m., so we could attend the first mass of the day at 8 ! – as I looked down into Clew Bay, the islands were appearing out of the sea, all 360 of them !
Some people had obviously climbed up in the dark, as they were coming down as we climbed – although nothing like the numbers crossing each other as there would be later in the day… shortly after 7-30 a.m. we had arrived at the summit, to join the throng waiting for the first mass at 8 !
We passed the time watching a helicopter evacuating a casualty (women,gashed head…) having appeared from the clouds above ,
and of course getting the obligatory summit photo, in our red/green shirts..
then it was time to join the other 100+ people on the summit for mass – the priest doing the service, whilst ensconced in his little glass cube, keeping him out of the wind and fog driving across the summit…and , it being Ireland mass was fast, but even I was surprised at 21 minutes taken to complete the mass, although we still had to queue up for Holy Communion… and time for a short break, and food before we set off to return down the mountain, easier said than done, as thousands were trying to get up – good humouredly getting in each others way… it being Ireland no system operated !
We just kept plodding down, eventually arriving back on the car park shortly after 1015 a.m. – a 4 hour round trip – including mass !
Not bad for a 600 mts climb/descent…into and out of the fog and mist, watching people of every description leaping or struggling up and down Irelands Holy Mountain, on a special day…
We then drove back to Ballycong, washed,changed…and went out for a pleasant bike ride in the afternoon sunshine… up to my cousin Padraic’s at Carradoogan on the other side of Attymass parish, after which I called up to see my Mum’s old house, and birthplace…at the foot of the Ox Mountains…now not lived in, with all the settlement gradually being reclaimed by nature.. I remembered the tales I had heard
about their original farmhouse, and then the new one being built – which I recall staying in as a young child ( a bit different to Manchester )
including the tales about the boys of the family having to wash in the stream –no doubt a bit chilly in winter ! with views up onto the Ox Mountains..and silence !
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