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Monday, 18 May 2015

Saved by Sevilla !

A sound nights sleep saw me lazily getting up and ready Sunday morning, even the sun was late getting up – although with the time change, it just seemed it !

I set off from El Modranal, not having filled my water tank, but ‘dumping’ my ‘other’ one ( if you know what I mean) ! IMG_1634So I was ready for anything as I drove along, stopping at a ‘Mirador’ ( viewpoint ) overlooking a village, with large church in the centre, and a castle above… as I was looking ,suddenly mortar rounds were being fired in the air, a prelude to a service ? – I don’t know, I couldn’t see what was happening, even after driving in… so continued towards Saville, or Savilla ! my days destination… the roads got quite busy, but I knew where I was heading for – Porto de Gelves –IMG_1638 a small Marina/yacht basin which allowed me to park for a relatively cheap $15 a night, including electric ! A nice safe compound in the city, with good bus links into the centre, IMG_1639very helpful staff as I pulled in and filled my fresh water tank alongside the river , whilst taking in the pleasant surroundings !

IMG_1646I was able to wash all my clothes, catch up on computer time,  and even have a cycle around the outskirts ( getting lost in the process !), before showering again, in the heat of the night (still 34C at midnight !) , and an early night ready for a hot busy day on Monday !

I had the alarm set for 6-45 a.m….it was still hot, although slightly cooler, IMG_1648and I wanted to stay in bed, but up I got, washed and ready and out of the marina by 8 a.m., onto a packed hot commuter bus into the city ( so all my washing was in vain !) IMG_1652got off in the centre, and was immediately surrounded by stately buildings all around me,  and I didn’t even know where I was !

I made my way to the tourist office, which I found !, IMG_1658got a free map, and was looking up at the queues of people, already waiting to get into some of the main attractions (not for me !) I chatted to a tour guide for a while, IMG_1663didn’t buy his services, and as I wandered off at the back of the Cathedral saw an open door….and being an inquisitive chap wandered in, to find I could get into the Cathedral for mass, before it opened to the PublicIMG_1666 ( and free !) so, as you’d expect in I went, and enjoyed a nice sung mass, with 6 priests, and a big men's choir (or monks) behind…IMG_1668 with the Altar screen opened , which I suspect isn’t normally…  after mass I did sneak a few pictures before being thrown out, but I’d seen enough !  As I went outside I chuckled at the large queue snaking round the outside, awaiting it being opened for them, and I’d saved $8 !

IMG_1700I then wandered around the city, seeing the buildings, wandering though the spectacular gardens  and all the differing types of architecture, wonderful,IMG_1731 far too much to mention… although I eventually ended up at the Plaza D’Espana IMG_1736 a tremendous big open square, with Government buildings all around it  … I could go on and on, and did, eventually having a late lunch, and catching the bus back to my marina around 6 p.m….IMG_1770

Phew, Savilla in a day, you could be there a week, and still not see it all !

Anyway, very enjoyable…now, where to next ?

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