To keep up the ‘relaxing’ I decided to have a quick spin out on the bike, in another direction on Saturday morning – it was forecast to be a hot day, and so I set off early, through Lagos, and on to Portomao… the roads were busy, the surface was rough… and when I got there ( 25 kms away ) I decided it was too bust for me, and promptly turned around and rode back again !! An interesting mornings 52 kms bike ride, I won’t be going in that direction again…
I kept ;relaxing’ for the afternoon, and as it cooled, showered, and walked into Praia da Luz, seeking out the ubiquitous ‘Irish Bar’- Kelly’s !! (there’s one everywhere, more importantly they had live coverage of Manchester United's’ game against West Brom, and several cold pints of Guinness later, I trudged out, disappointed at United's dismal showing ( and getting beat !), so it was off to the Pashmina Curry house ( there’s one here as well !), and a nice hot King Prawn Jalfreizi, and garlic Naan… sealed the day… along with a 2 mile walk home !
Sunday morning was overcast, quite good I thought, as I was up showered and ready early, to walk into Luz, for 9-30 a.m. mass… and what a mass it was to be ! The priest was a little ball of fire, who occasionally broke into English, and as well as it being Mothers Day,also seemed to be a special occasion for some of the children,
with lots of singing,clapping, and prayers… whew, it was an hour and 3/4 later, that I came out into the sunshine, on a very enjoyable service, with all the Anglicans ( who share the church ) waiting to get in !
I’d promised myself a little ‘treat’ and so went to a beachfront restaurant, for the ‘Magnificent 7’…English breakfast !! So as the sun was breaking out onto the seaside,
I was tucking into my black pudding,bacon,beans etc washed down with a big mug of tea !!
I then collected some food from the Spar shop, and back to the campsite, where I couldn’t relax all day… eventually washing some clothes, and settling back watching my Grandsons face fluttering in the breeze… see it ??….
and another one of my Grandsons won the ‘League’, with his football team….well done everyone !!
There were a couple of spots of rain in the air, so we shall see what tomorrow brings…it brought another overcast day with spots of rain… It’s a good forecast for the week, expecting to hit 30C by the weekend…so, I’m going to stop for another week, having fun, maybe even getting a suntan !
The boys say hello; nice to see the t-towel being put to good use!