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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Birds are Flocking around…

As expected the rain continued to hammer down all Sunday night, and as I awoke to a sodden campsite spurred me into action.. I did briefly contemplate returning to the coast, to hear on ‘Riviera radio’ that it was equally dismal on there, and for the next couple of days.

So I headed off, on my original route, up through the Alps, IMG_1315on high mountain passes, with cloud and rain shielding the actual tops, although they did occasionally ‘peek out’ for me, but not often

As I approached my destination of Gap,_Hautes-Alpes , I called into a local Mcd’s to catch up on emails, again checking weather forecasts…poor everywhere I wanted to go, and as Gap seemed a reasonable location to ‘sit it out’, and where I could decided on moving which way to go, I continued, getting to a campsite Alpes Dauphine , a pretty grotty,muddy pitch awaited, although in fairness the heavy rain wasn’t helping !

It did have the advantage of a Bar/Restaurant which I used for the next 2 nights (treating myself!), whilst listening to tales from 3 cyclists, travelling to Monaco for next weekends Grand Prix, on a charity ride  some motor cyclists and their ‘pure’ language !

The rain continued as I stayed in and read, accompanied by the calls of the PeacockIMG_1329 and his mate, who wandered freely throughout the campsite… him displaying his wares…IMG_1326her, being a woman –ignoring him !

I’m sure Gap in the sunshine is a nice place, but for now, I’ve made my plans, and hopefully with a little dry weather I’ll be able to do several climbs as I wend my way up through the Alps… 

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