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Friday, 4 May 2012

A Long Way to get Nothing !

I had a bit of a lazy start to the day, doing some washing, and sat out in the morning sunshine, eating my Pain au chocolat and drinking coffee…but I couldn’t do that all day, and so decided to ride into Narbonne, about 9kms away.

Again I set off along the nearby Canal de le Robine, which lead me all the way into the centre of Narbonne , at Quai IMG_0565Victor Hugo, where numerous boats were tied up, I presumed mostly from people visiting the town – which was quite busy, although I had arrived around 1230 p.m., and consequently everything was shutting for lunch !

I gathered from some of the tourist plaques dotted around that there were Roman remains within the town, as well as going on to later historical areas, although I couldn’t find the Tourist information, who’s signs kept leading me round and round, then disappearing !

IMG_0567So, I had another look round, and decided to prepare a little better, and return earlier in the day another time !

I then rode back to the campsite, had lunch and a doze, then got my blog etc up to date, and with the evening sunshine, and my knowledge of where everything was in Narbonne…I decided to ride back into town, to the local McDonalds for free Wi-Fi ….

Then Quelle Horreur   IMG_0570 …..although I had ridden on the roads, rather that the canal tow path, my computer had been battered and knocked about so much, the battery had been knocked out, and damaged some of the contacts, and could I get it going ????? Non !

So, tail between my legs, it was back to the campsite, where I later managed to fix it(what a brilliant technician)…and get it working again….Relief !

2 trips into Narbonne, without really doing anything –27 miles

I celebrated with wine and salmon , Night Night !

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