I know I like the sunsets, but, for a change, this morning I saw the sun RISE…as I was looking forward from the ship, and into France, I saw the sun rising over the harbour at Le Havre… I can’t promise many more sunrises, but no doubt there’ll be lots of sunsets !
The ships crew were busy at the front, readying the ropes to tie up,as we backed into the harbour , and soon everyone was called to their vehicles, as we all roared out of the ship, across the harbour front, and on to the already busy roads, and another habit broken….
I went on the toll road, as the easiest way to get out and across the River Seine, without a big detour, although it cost me (a poor pensioner ) 8 Euros, across the Pont de Normandy, and magnificent bridge up,into the skies, although I was soon back on my favoured ‘D’ roads (free), and towards my first destination…Liseaux
I had heard a lot about St Therese of Lisieux, the ‘little flower’ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisieux , and as it was only around 50 miles away, had decided it would be my first destination.
After only one wrong turning I arrived, bright and early in Lisieux, found the Municipal Campsite, basic but OK, arriving there before 10 a.m., pitched and ready for the self guided tour of the town,about 2 kms distant, and although cool and slightly cloudy
I soon found my way into the Jardin de L’eveche’, a spectacular memorial gardens, with a lovely fountain,playing it’s sparkling water in the morning sunshine,
then around the corner to St Peter’s Cathedral, the family church of St Theresa’s family, after they had moved to Lisieux . It’s a very old, 12 C church , http://www.therese-de-lisieux.catholique.fr/Saint-Peter-s-Cathedral.html , with a useful leaflet to guide me around the church, and chapels surrounding it
, including the picture, of the suffering Jesus,
that is said to Have inspired St Theresa to realise her vocation – at the age of 13 !, and the Lady Chapel, where the Archbishop involved in the trial of St Joan of Arc is buried …
From there I carried on across the busy town, to be greeted by the sight of the Basilica, up on top of the hill erected in the 20 C, in honour of St Theresa – although the outside view is impressive, nothing prepares you for the splendour of the mosaics on every wall and ceiling inside, truly spectacular, and fresh
Although the main casket with St Theresa’s relics in it, are ‘on tour’ around the World, her right arm is there, as is a casket containing her parents remains,in the Crypt, another spectacularly decorated area… after some time there, I visited the Stations of the Cross up the hill at the back…then back to the campsite, for a ……sunbathe !!!, although I was nearly nodding off in the evening sunshine, as I was worn out with the travelling, lack of sleep, and busy, but worthwhile day….so now, a shower, clean clothes, and early night….Bonne Nuit !!
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