It was still lashing down with rain, as I awoke early morning – a good decision to have put the awning,bikes, and everything I could away the evening before ! So, at least I wouldn’t get soaked packing up and setting off.. which after a nice hot shower, and brekkie… I was off, into the torrential Pyrenean rain..
As usual, my trusty Irish girl ‘Tom Tom’ took me up and over lots of differing mountain passes, whilst keeping it cheap for me (no toll roads!), and eventually as I rolled along, the rain got less heavy, and indeed by lunchtime had actually stopped –hurrah !, then miracles again, the sun actually started shining, and so I had a nice picnic lunch, in a well prepared lay by
By mid afternoon I had arrived in Carcassonne my destination for the next couple of days – I stayed here 2 years ago, and left quicker that I wanted, and as it’s en route for the South coast, I thought I’d stop again –although my welcome of a Thunderstorm and Lightning wasn’t very nice !
Firstly I checked into Camping La Cite’, and then, the real task…could I find a pub/bar showing tonight’s match Manchester United V Manchester city ?? the girl at reception (who was very impressed that I would only speak French !) gave me a couple of clues, so when the weather seemed a little more settled I rode into town, to try and find them… not having any initial success I then went to the Tourist office, who suggested Le Celt Irish Pub , which I managed to find, and had that wonderful sight outside… a sign saying ‘Tonight, Sky Sports, Man Utd V Man City, 2100’.. brilliant, all I needed to do now,was get back to campsite,change and return on foot for the big match !
I then set off back ,en route calling into La Cite’ the citadel area, which was then engulfed in another storm,
however I passed this by, whilst inside the Cathedral, and viewing some great stained glass windows , and then into the main square, to try and choose which restaurant would get my hard earned money… I eventually setting on a restaurant serving local dishes, although a bit of a ‘dive’, it was very busy, and I had a nice meal of Goats cheese salad, Duck and sausage Cassoulet,and Crepe, washed down with some lovely (and cheap) Vin Rouge,
before then marching down into the town, for the match…across the ‘Bridge of Sighs’ – a brooding presence of the travesty that was to come ? The bar was packed, and it was strange to be asked ,in English/Irish, and to get a pint of Guinness (6$ !), before finding a seat in the back room, with Gary Neville (multi Premiership trophy winner with United!) commentating from Eastlands, or,as they now call it the Etihad ,Manchester city’s (rented) stadium.. then the game started with United pulverising city, who , rightfully were frightened if the opposition, not being used to contending for the title this late on in the season – city’s Premiership hopes are normally dashed by November !
A good first half by United was just coming to a close, when city got a lucky goal – lucky in that the officials hadn’t spotted the fouls of the city players, and so a goal against the run of play was confirmed, and city were ahead !
The bar was a riot of sound from both United and city fans, and everyone prepared for the second half, which came and went, with no change in the score, and city beating United 1-0, and drawing level on points with United…with few games to go, before the end of the season… will United retain the title for the 20th time, or will city scrape through….only time will tell, and a nervous spell for the city fans – United’s done it all before !!!
a 2 mile walk back to the campsite, beneath the citadel as I mused on the locations I’ve been this season to watch United, from Old Trafford, to Skegness,to Peebles, and now, the South of France, who’d a thought it ?
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