Having overnighted at Gerard's house in Shrivenham, I awoke to beautiful warm sunshine,and having had my cup of tea in bed –thanks Ethan, I was able to then get down for the final ‘shop’ at a nearby Sainsbury’s, and return for a big breakfast, before I was to get waved off by the gang , and start to wend my way further South.
I wasn’t immediately leaving as I had been invited by cousin Maureen for supper at her home in East Preston, Sussex, with her and husband David. So I continued to the south coast, where the traffic surprised me by it’s quantity, and ‘busyness’ – not used to this, as a simple Northerner from the sticks !
I easily found Maureen and David’s home,thanks,as usual to my trusty ‘Tom Tom’, and had a pleasant few hours, and a meal,catching up (although not nearly enough time) before setting off again for nearby Portsmouth, and my overnight sailing to Le Havre..
Having waited on the dockside for ages, hearing the news that once again Manchester United were giving Manchester City, a little ‘chink’ to aim at in the Premiership run in…I was eventually boarded, and settled down in a sleeper chair for the crossing…leaving England behind, and as the dawn broke… France ahead…
Bonjour Mes Amis
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