A very early start again, the alarm going off at 4-45 a.m. ! and tents packed, and ready to leave for 5-45 a.m. to get to the dock at Valdez for 6 a.m., ready to leave on the 7 a.m. sailing of the ferry Aurora http://www.dailyventure.com/travel/Ferry-from-Valdez-to-Whittier for the trip to Whittier. Through the bustling terminal, with at least 12 people there ! and onto the ship, along with our breakfast and snack supplies, setting ourselves up in the cafe area, whilst Ryan drove the van on separately. It was a lovely clear,cool,sunny morning, and as we sailed out of Valdez and looked back, the sun was just peeping out in the sky..and a smooth,calm sea on Prince William Sound http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_William_Sound
As we sailed along, we could see in the distance sea otters, lying on their backs, floating on the sea, watching the ships and fishermans boats flashing by, without much concern, and sights of the Columbia glacier,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Glacier_%28Alaska%29 a fast moving glacier, which reaches the sea, and then ‘calves’ off into the water, leaving icebergs floating in the water,
some of whom passed quite close to us as we sailed serenely on, spotting differing sea creatures, including seals, sea lions,harbour porpoises and a whale far in the distance (or was it a rock ?) we continued through the Wilson passage and to Whittier, where we disembarked , drove a short distance, and then got out to climb up the Portage pass, for views over the Portage glacier,
and lake at it’s foot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portage_Glacier with cruise boats sailing between the icebergs at it’s foot !
By now the sun was blazing in the sky, and I had changed into my shorts to cool down – so much for Alaskan rain ! Then a drive through the road tunnel, to the other side of the mountains, a brief stop at the Portage Glacier visitor centre and the continued drive to Seward,
where the sea otters could be plainly seen lying on the sea in the bay and a Chicken stir fry, followed by toasted marshmallows on the campfire ! Well deserved after a long day,and bed. Goodnight !
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