It was still overcast in Anchorage this morning, but it had at least stopped raining,and so I decided I would rent a bike, and go on the coastal trail. So I walked into town ,had breakfast, and went to the Downtown bike rental store where the talkative owner quickly rented me a bike, gave me some directions, and I was off, through town and on to the Tony Knowles coastal trail which I followed along the coast, looking out over the sea and towards the end of the runway to the airport, with big jets taking off over me.. then I was at the Earthquake Park, where about 50 ft of the coast slid into the sea, in the quake of 1964.
I continued into the woods where Moose were frequently seen, and after a short time I saw two moose scrunching in the vegetation,
eating the low lying tree branches , about 20 ft away from me.. I stood watching these huge animals, so near
Then I continued up to the end of the trail,at Kincaid Park and decided to continue around the airport, which I did, and arrived at Lake Hood the busiest float plane base in the world ! I watched several take off and land, then continued on my way,
realising I had lost my route directions, but managed to make my way back to the coastal trail, turned back to the end of the airport runway, beneath the jets taking off .
Then it was time to return back along the trail, in the ever brightening sunshine, and views over the very still sea waters and into Downtown where I returned my bike, had some food and wandered back to my home…to do the washing, and prepare for my next moves tomorrow…so an early Goodnight to all
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