Although up early, looking out I saw it was misty, snowy, and overcast…so went back to bed, to get up later for a ride instead of a climb… and another read of the papers.. as I watched the snow spluttering down outside
However I couldn’t lie around all day, and changing into my biking gear I set off, down towards Torridon, and then along a Coulin estate track along the side of Loch Clare and eventually Loch Coulin. Snow lay along the track, which wended it’s way around the ‘big house’ and up towards the Coulin pass and on for Achnasheen, although I wasn’t going that far (today!)… I had distant views back towards Liatach
Eventually I stopped at an old bridge river crossing looking back down the glen and then perambulated back along the way I’d come, for a short while anyway,
then discovered a track through the woods, which was a bike trail of some sort, and took me on a differing route back,
through the snowy woodland and back onto the estate roads, with the classical views across Loch Clair and Liatach – which I may be able to climb before I’ve finished here !
Then it was back to Cairn Shiel for another bowl on Minestrone soup, and time to plan for tomorrows day climb…
Oh, and last night’s wait…was it worth it ?… well who in their right mind can resist an invite from Jotown ?- certainly Marten couldn’t, and cowboy time arrived as he scurtled up from the darkness, and spent around 10 minutes eating what had been left for him,
checking all posts and branches to ensure he’d got everything – although the last piece he carried away with him, possibly young to feed somewhere ??
So, maybe the same tonight, although I’ll be in bed early , ready for an early start tomorrow …
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