Although I was up fairly early, it still took some time to get everything together for my first climb of the year – I had decided to climb up the Eastern end of Beinn Eighe which I could see from Cairn Shiel –although dry still, there were lots of black clouds hovering over the mountain tops and upland gales forecast for later, and so I had decided to climb to the first top – Creag Dubh 929 mts high, then decide where else to go ( if I made it !)
I slogged my way directly uphill, through the deer fences, and onto the open ground above, where the snow and ice lay on the ground becoming deeper as I got higher. I then had to forge my own trail straight up a snow filled gully, which at times was a little ‘tricky’ but I managed to keep going upwards, coming out onto the side of the ridge, which I was then able to follow upwards, into the gathering gloom, and with snow blowing behind me .. I did see some footsteps in the snow, probably from over the weekend, so at least I was on the correct route !, and I kept going… I knew I was nearing the top, as the wind became really ferocious, pushing me back and around, although \i could see little, as a combination of mist and snow blocked views…
I realised I was at the top, as the ground dropped below, further along the ridge, towards the western tops – I decided that I had done enough, and so put my goggles on,
turned around and faced into the wind and snow, as I started to drop back along the ridge
It was pretty cold directly facing into the wind, with my face being blasted, and fingers freezing up, as I rushed down towards what I knew would be warmer… and the visibility improving with every step –typical ! – I even found the correct path, which wasn’t the way I had climbed !
I eventually dropped far enough, to be able to sit down for a drink and sandwich, before plodding my way downwards, with the added dangers of ribbons of ice all over the path (I only fell twice! ) and then sauntered back to9 Cairn Shiel for a nice hot bath, and home made Minestrone soup with Macaroni..what delights
Waiting for me when I returned were a couple of young birds….
I’ve also put lots of jammy pancakes and egg out for the Pine Marten…wonder whether I’ll catch them on film ?
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