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Saturday, 19 January 2013

It’s the Weekend !

So, did the Pine Marten appear last night ?

-of course, they knew Jotown was in residence, IMG_1223although I must have frightened them as I drew the curtains to have a look…there one was, mooching about the logs where some food had been placed earlier …and off it scurried into the night, not to be seen again !

and today, being Saturday, I had decided I would just take it easy, and get my bearings again

I had a ride into Kinlochewe, then further down the road to Coille na Glas Leitre Trails car park, where I abandoned my bike and had an easy  walk on IMG_1240up through the old Forest, with views down and along Loch Maree  then back to the cottage for an afternoons cooking, eating and…reading !

Not forgetting, my Grandson Lincoln’s Birthday, I did manage to catch him on Skype, between parties, and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him – was he impressed…guess ! Happy Birthday Lincoln

Did the Pine Marten re-appear ?

-who knows I was engrossed in my book, along with ‘Take the Floor’ !!

Goodnight !

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