Up, but not quite so early today, with a stiff breeze blowing, I was at first undecided, then thought well…Fr Christmas has brought my new additions to my shoes, so would be unsporting not to give them a whirl( and I’d got the sad news that Sir Bradley Wiggins would not be defending his title in the TdF !!) ..and so it was that I left the campsite riding into winds of 30 mph +, certainly good exercise, just staying still !.. Once again I’d mistimed the ferry, and so rode on up to the main road, intending to do a 30Kms loop, but the other way to one recommended…as it was fortune soon favoured me, as an old tractor, with a big funnel object on the back, overtook me…and soon was acting as a wind protector for me, so I spent the next couple of miles happily being carried along in it’s wake, then as it turned off the road my turning back towards the Bac de Sauvage came up, and as I turned out of the wind, I was racing to get back to the ferry port in time – and thankfully this time I did, not really stopping to appreciate the countryside either side of me, in a real rural backwater…as I jumped the queue (being a cyclist)
I was at the front as we set off the short distance across the river, with seemingly another boat about to crash into us ! ..I was then able to zoom back to Wally, for a quick lunch, a dash back in and out of town for WIFi, then a dip in the Mediterranean sea…which was freezing cold, and I could only just brave it to my…unmentionables !! then went for a warm shower, changed and walked into St Marie for the spectacle of Bullfighting,http://www.avignon-et-provence.com/camargue-provence/taureau-camargue.htm#.UatmtNgQZKM or rather, as it is around here… bullrunning !
No swords or any of the bulls being hurt, just trying to catch the gladiators…who in turn had to pick something off the bulls horns !
Quite entertaining, as the gladiators jumped over the safety fence to avoid the bull, who on some occasions leapt over the fence, so incensed were they !
I think it was just a ‘school’ for the bull runners, as the bulls didn’t seem too fierce, although they certainly charged at plenty of them , not a bad couple of hours entertainment in the sunshine for $5 !…
then it was across to the church for evening mass, where I was even able to understand some of the sermon ! A quick walk back to Wally for my evening BBQ, again using the old umbrella trick, and then a walk in the setting sunset..
So I’ll bid you all Bonne Nuit !
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