I’d set the alarm for 630…and lay in bed for a while…which I would come to regret !
However by 830 a.m. I’d breakfasted,fuelled up and set for a long ride around the Roches de Roquebrune http://www.summitpost.org/rocher-de-roquebrune/779778 I had seen some signs for this route, but keep losing them, however, with my own map, I’d decided my own route, leaving the coast road signposted for Roquebrune son Argent…although the via Col…. should have made me realise, it went straight up, although only to 154 mts, it was a shock this early in the day, although flying down the other side was pleasant.. eventually as i got closer to Roqubrune, I picked up the cycle route signs I’d been looking for, and started to follow them, unfortunately all they did was lead me into Frejus !
So, I had to turn round, and ride back, eventually arriving at Roquebrune, I’d been going for over an hour and a half, it was getting hotter, and I knew I had a long way to go..Ooops !
I did have a rest for a short time next to this Water ski-ing lake, in the shadows of Roquebrune …then carried on my trail across to Le Muy, and eventually picked up signs for Ste Maxime…only another 22 kms !- I’d probably done over 40 kms by then.. along the busy road towards the coast, unfortunately it was like a roller coaster…up, down a little, and up some more…and me likkle legs were getting tired, as I boiled up the hills, until finally I reached what I realised was the last Col of the day, and with all my drink gone, I held my hands aloft, as though I’d won a race, and then hurtled down into Ste Maxime, still some distance away (but all downhill!) It was an easy’ish trek back along the coast road to the camp, and a dowsing in the shower…phew 3hrs 45 minutes ..500 mts climbed, and about 50 miles travelled…I was whacked out, so treated myself to an ice lolly whilst I was getting my bread !
A couple of hours later, I was ready for that other exercise…sun,sand…and snorkelling ! Oh and the truth…it was a spear fisherman I showed you yesterday, my gears a bit cheaper, as you can see,
but does the job quite nicely…helping me see all the fish beneath me..gulp !
Hopefully I’ll be getting a bit of a tan, although I’m not sure, at least I’ve not burnt myself in any tender areas ( yet !)
So, it was back to Wally, sort myself out and have a nice celebratory beer and BBQ, an earl Bonne Soir/Nuit to all !
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