I woke up on Saturday morning to cloudy,overcast skies, and so rather than trudging in/out of St Tropez (market day), I decided to take it easy, have a leisurely day,catch up with everyone on Skype ,clean Wally out and read…so I did !
Late afternoon i rode in to Ste Maxime, for a slight wander round, intending to go to Saturday evening mass, so I could be up and off early Sunday morning ( so I thought!), as I went to the church to check on the times, there was a wedding just finishing, with the church bells ringing loudly out over the town, and the bride and groom hanging out of the back of a stretch limo as they headed off..and I was able to check the times…
as usual, too early so had a wandered round the harbour/port area, where all were enjoying some early evening sunshine, playing Boules and generally taking it easy !
I wandered into the church, and took part in the 6 p.m. mass, which was ‘conducted’ by the youth of the parish, I think their confirmation group, who led the congregation in many ‘clappy,loud and happy’ Hymns..not quite what I was used to (nor the older Parishioners !)..but at least I took part in it (swaying not clapping !), I’m not sure whether I’d recommend it..but it was different !
then it was back for my evening BBQ, and relatively early night, although my book 50 dead men walking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifty_Dead_Men_Walking did keep me up late…bedtime reading !
I awoke Sunday morning to another overcast day, although by late morning I knew I couldn’t laze around all day, and so went off for a ride along the coast, passing St Aygulf and Frejus, and eventually on to St Raphael http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Rapha%C3%ABl,_Var where I had a rest in the shade, the sun having come out, and it being quite warm… I took in the sights for a while, although it was too busy for me, and I set off to return..
as I looked across the bay of the Gulf of St Tropez, I could see ominous black clouds gathering above the hills, and St Tropez seemed to have been swallowed up in black haze…Ooops, I’ve a long way to ride back.. and so I got going, hoping to outrun the rain, as the thunder rolled down from the hills..at least I thought, it should shift the clouds, and return the sun..
I think everyone had the same idea, as the roads became quite quiet, and the wind picked up speed, and temperature dropping as I zoomed along…pushing as fast as my legs would go..too late though, a couple of miles before I got to the campsite the raindrops started hitting my face, and soon a thunderous downpour was washing over me.. I kept going, rather than shelter, as it looked like it would be here for a while – I was right !
I got back, thoroughly soaked, and dumped myself in the shower, stood in my clothes at the same time..then headed to dry off…inside Wally , and a well deserved lunch of Heinz Baked Beans and buttered bread, lovely –although I was to have had fried eggs as well, but the rain prevented it !
It’s been raining on and off all afternoon, with no real improvement in the black clouds…so another book started,and another early night in prospect, good weather should be back tomorrow…so I’ll wish you all an early Bonne Nuit !
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