Surprising who you meet on your travels, isn’t it – especially when you text them ! Fr John comes from Derry, and I’d sent him a message, and he immediately came for me, and took me up to his home area, and the church where he was ordained just over 25 years ago. It was nice for him to run me round the area, and tell me a little of what he’d experienced whilst me actually seeing it for myself – Thanks Fr John !
Then I was back down to Derry city for the Fleadh, again the streets were busy, even dancing in the shop windows ! and again with instructions from Ants for some publicity pictures,
which I dismally failed at – or more accurately my camera did ! I took the time to have a wander over the ‘Peace Bridge’ to the other side of the River Foyle, where more people were with another stage and concert ongoing.
Then back into the main part of the ‘walled city’ of Derry , where as i wandered around the differing stages, found ,to my surprise, ‘Flat Out’ playing …
a group I’d seen lots of whilst in Attymass and Ballina ! – who’s following who ? I popped back to Wally, then back into town for my final session of the Fleadh, again spent wandering the differing bits, in sudden downpours,
watching the various groups performing, including these youngsters ..what festivities !
The streets were building for another late and busy night, but for me…an eary’ish one, as I’m travelling again tomorrow, even though it’s ‘finals day’- I’ve still lots of ground to cover..and I don’t think enough time to do it all !- and thanks to Anthony for use of his ‘mobile dongle’, which expires tonight, so I may not be able to keep in contact as easily – you’ll hear from me when I can !
From a packed Fleadh Cheoil Na h’Eireann in Doire 2013
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