Another bright sunny morning in Ballycong, and ready for morning mass I decided to walk there …as Dad would have done as a child… so I set off in plenty of time to walk the few miles there… and wandered happily along – I did make it about half way, before a car pulled up alongside me – Bridie Patten,
one of the organisers of ‘The Gathering’ offering me a lift the rest of the way, so I jumped in with her, and away to St Joseph's ready for mass. I was there so early (almost the first!) I had plenty of time to look around,
in the beautiful morning sunshine.. with a brightly decorated church, resplendent in signs of welcome and gathering… the church filled nicely, with lots of my cousins arriving by the minute – I even managed to recognise most, even remembering various names and who was related to who.. although the more distant ones still had me guessing !
After a nice service we all me outside the church, with cousins from both Mum and Dad’s side meeting together in a big ‘Gathering’ –wonderful !
We all went back to the house then to prepare for the ‘challenges’ ahead…firstly a swim across the lake ! ,not for all, but me Anthony,David + Rebecca donned our wetsuits and set off across the lake for ‘The Gathering’ Swimathon ! – people were shouting from the bank as we all made it across to one side,
and then returned back to our side..accompanied by a photographer Richenda Barrett, who took some pictures as we swam…back to the bank, and then time for a run back to the house,showers ,change and ready to go up to… the ‘revived’ Bunnifinglass Sports day.. located on a farmers field on the other side of the lake we all went round, wondering whether there would be many there…there was..almost a thousand people, with one of the locals excitedly telling later that there were over 40 British cars on the car park, much to their delight . It was going to be a busy afternoon, with the sports, live radio show ‘The Full Irish’ being broadcast to Manchester,from the Red Fox pub (or whatever it is in Gaelic !),
dancers and performers in the beer garden area, with a live GAA semi final between Mayo and Donegal being broadcast live on big screens inside the pub.. the area was filled to overflowing as I wandered into the field to watch the various races being run, around an improvised running track.. the way it used to be
A slight crisis was averted, when they managed to find enough spoons for the egg+spoon race ! and the ‘three legged’ race was hilarious – they mustn’t have practised is all I can say ! although it was too much for some, who just took in the sights from a prone position ..
After several hours in the hot sunshine on the field, I returned to the pub, to watch some of the acts performing, the Irish dancers were there again,
and I was rather close as James Keegan did his stuff again with the children, eventually some of the performers gathering for a big photo shoot outside ..and whilst everything was still going on Mayo were winning , with great roars going up as they scored !
We all then went back to the house for a quick change , and down into Ballina to the Arts centre, for another show from Atlantic Rhythm ‘Shorelines’ and then out into the town, where it ,being a Bank Holiday weekend, was absolutely heaving with people, all having a good time.. we went to a street which had been closed off, for an ‘American Wake’ to take place..a big marquee was erected ,
and as you went in you were greeted by the several ‘mourners’ wailing their regrets as to the death of their ‘beloved’..a woman did tell me as I went in, that the performance had got more excessive as the evening wore on (perhaps to do with the refreshments provided !) –even the local councillor got involved !
The ‘wake’ finished with them parading the coffin on the back of a donkey cart around the streets of Ballina, accompanied by the strangely dressed mourners…and Priest !
So, then we set off for …home ? –after all it was already gone midnight…No, this is where the endurance sports training comes handy, as we arrived back at the Pub…where the music and dancing was in full swing ! It was so full they were dancing out on the footpath, even the roadway !- we even met more distant cousins than we knew we had..
Several hours later, the National Anthem came on..and so we were all allowed to go home, and collapse for another night…Goodnight !
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