I’d had a nice clear sky for the end of Tuesday, seeing the Milky Way in all it’s glory, stretching across the midnight skies, along with quite a few streaking meteors.. finally !, although the sky didn’t remain clear, I was happy with what I’d seen, and so to bed..
I awoke to a nice view from bed and decided, that as it was so nice here, I may as well stay another day and hopefully see the Dolphins again, and maybe they’d even ‘perform’ for me ?
The quiet beach didn’t stay quiet, as a local surf club was holding a ‘surf camp’ here today, and set up a marquee on the beach, although still some distance away, with the organisers radio blaring out all day ! I decided to stay and see what happened…and stay…and stay… no sightings of any Dolphins in the morning, and into the afternoon, although lots of ‘little surfers’, getting bigger as the day wore on .. I just read a book, and kept my eyes on the Ocean
After lunch I decided to walk a way along the beach, clambering over the lying rocks, and jumping the ‘gaps’ with the sea beckoning below,
all the while keeping an eye out to sea.. it was dry, but windy, although the sea wasn’t too rough, and I was still hopeful of seeing some Dolphins… and returning to Wally I cooked dinner,as the rain swept in, eventually even sending the surfers home.. and still no Dolphins, and the rain is now belting down… perhaps I should have moved ?
Not to worry, I’ll have a glass of wine, some nice French cheese, keep an eye on the Ocean till dark…and snooze
An early Goodnight to you all !
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