I was up early for a nice breakfast of bread and jam, in my hostel, and out ready to go at 8 am .. I went up to the Grand place (having got a 'Subway' sandwich for lunch!!) and whilst taking some pictures, saw someone else... Rucksack on back, also taking pictures.. It turned out to be a fellow Pilgrim; Simon, from Cowes on the Isle of Wight, also intending to go to Rome!!
He took my picture:
and we decided to walk along for a while ..
As it turned out we walked together the whole day, and I got him into the accommodation already arranged for me that night (once again using my excellent French!)
The day was spent traveling across the WW1 battlefields, and visited several of the British, French and German graveyards
Passing one of the many pilgrim wayside chapels:
we saw an interesting mileage marker... What's unusual ??
A nice pleasant day, particularly as I now had some company (who spoke English!!)
By 330 we had arrived at that nights destination Bapaume.
We were set on the road into town by our nights host - Rene,
who immediately took us to the sparing office to get our credentials stamped, then we all returned for showers, washing clothes (thanks Rene) and a nice dinner.. we even watched the BBC news!!
It turns out that Simons pilgrimage is for a charity, close to his heart, which I am happy to recommend!!
Alzheimer Cafe UK - Isle of Wight Branch
A good day, and I now realise I've already travelled 262 kms!!
Are you making reservations along the way? Its not like the Camino?