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Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Monday 2nd May - Who turned the heating up?!

It was a nice bright start to the day, I was up early as I knew I had a fair walk to do today... 

After a nice breakfast (although only bread and jam) I was off away from this nice Gite in the middle of nowhere... 

I was hot, hot, even before 9 am and was soon into short sleeves:

over the quiet farm roads, and once again taking a leap of faith (with no markings this time!!) plunging through another large forest, so as to cut my distance down a little!! I emerged on the other side reasonably accurately, and continued down and into Marac:

with a lovely big, open church.. I sat down for mid morning snack near to a quite unusual feature... 

some sort of bathing feature?? Wonder if it's Roman?? 

I kept pushing along in the hot sunshine, crossing the motorway twice, until shortly after 12 I arrived in Beauchemin, where I found a shady bus shelter, took my boots off... and lunched on my two Jam butties!! - although the church was locked, it did have a tap where I was able to fill my water bottles from... Well needed on a day like today!! 

I had about 30 minutes and set off again, soon coming across 3 other Pilgrims - all from Belgium:

a youth worker, and two late teens, all carrying massive 16 kgs packs, on some sort of youth experience venture... wow, I pitied them with all that weight today, and they were walking past my destination... I gave them all one of my school 'pilgrim' badges, wished them well and continued down to a great reservoir, where, miraculously I found an open bar for a great pot of Earl grey tea, and huge ice cream!!


I then went across the barrage, along the other side,

and then up to the top of the hillsides, hoping that would be my climbing finished for the day ... Sadly not, with 2 kms to go, I had to drop into the valley bottom, passing a Roman cross on the way down

and then look across TVs valley to see Langres, my destination on top of the far hillside!! 
A bit of a hard task at the end of 20+ kms in the hot sunshine!! 

Anyway I managed it, got into the Parish hostel... And showered!! 

There was a German pilgrim already there, we had dinner together later after I'd had a look round Langres... 

I'll show more again!! 

For now it's time to sleep, and an easier day tomorrow!! 

I've now done 4 weeks walking, travelled 620 kms...and 932,905 steps!! 
I think, (and hope) I've done over a third of the distance I'll have to walk!! 

So thanks again for everyone looking after me, wishing me well, praying for me... And keeping me smiling and singing as I go!! 

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