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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Thursday 12 May - What happened to the mountains??

I'd had a great nights sleep at the Priors house in Romanmoutier... so I was up bright and early, heading off after a nice breakfast in the Boulangerie... 


I was soon heading off through the empty woods and forests, heading South and down towards Lausanne...


I skirted the village of Croy, then heading on through Ferrieres and Dizy, alongside the Gorge de Orbes:

I had a late morning snack in Dizy watching the 'busy traffic'!!

I had made good time, so by lunch I was in Cossonay, in the delightful church listening to them practising an organ recital:

even treating myself to a croque Monsieur in a local bar, before heading off across the wild garlic filled woods:

and by mid afternoon had arrived in Vuellans la Ville:

where I had wondered about staying, however there was no accommodation in the village, and I tried to book into a house in Bussigny, the next village, and ideal for me... 
There then followed 2 hours of frustration with Airbnb... Ultimately I wasted two hours, couldn't get in anywhere... And then the heavy rain started!! 

I wandered down into Bussigny, catching some of the 'outstanding views of the Alps' and Lake Geneva... C'est la vie!!

The rain clouds covered everything... 

I then managed to contact my fellow Australian pilgrims in Lausanne, who had space for me to join them, so... I got the train into town, and joined them in the pilgrim refuge of the parish church at Beauvaux Lausanne... A welcome refuge for a weary pilgrim!! 

So, the rain is powering down, I've still not seen the Alps... But I'm ever closer... And warm!! 

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